Tag: Summer Hiler

Fairview FFA Host Annual State Leadership Night 

By: Elizabeth Bok On November 30, 2023 the Fairview FFA Chapter hosted the annual State Leadership Night at the elementary school.  Three Ohio FFA State Officers attended this Leadership Night to teach leadership skills, problem-solving, and teamwork. Many other chapters in the area traveled to Fairview to participate in this Leadership Night. The theme of…

Fairview FFA Attends National Convention

By: Elizabeth Bok The 96th National FFA Convention was held from November 1st through the 4th. Nine members from the Fairview FFA Chapter had the opportunity to attend this convention. The National FFA Convention is held in Indianapolis, Indiana every year.  The members who were able to attend the convention this year were Miguel Garcia,…

Fairview FFA Succeeding in Many District Contests

By: Elizabeth Bok To start the school year off many chapter members competed in various contests. Freshmen and sophomores had the opportunity to be a part of the rural or urban soil judging teams.  The rural team consisted of Owen Speiser, Kaitlyn McCord, Brooke Pollard, Althea Spangler, James Smith, Riley Schindler, Kalvin Woodring, and Timothy…

2023 Fairview FFA Officer Training

 By: Elizabeth Bok Every year the new officer team meets in the summer for 2-3 days to bond, work on the calendar for the upcoming year, and work on anything else that needs to be done. This year the team started off with some fun team bonding exercises. Then they went through the duties of…

Fairview FFA at the Defiance County Fair

By: Elizabeth Bok This year at the Defiance County Fair there were many things that the Fairview FFA Chapter not only participated in but also greatly succeeded in. The members got to compete in the Ag Olympics with the Tinora and Ayersville FFA chapters. After completing the two parts of the Ag Olympics the Fariview…