Tag: small business

Kiwanis talks entrepreneurship

Kiwanis member Jerry Zielke introduced Lisa Becher a professor at Northwest State Community College, and entrepreneur herself. As a small business owner and someone so passionate in helping young adults become successful entrepreneurs, Becher talked about the importance of supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs in our small town. In fact small businesses create the most…

‘Shop Small’ on Small Business Saturday

By State Sen. Dennis Kruse (R-Auburn) Since its creation in 2010, Small Business Saturday has sparked a nationwide movement to celebrate and support small businesses across the country. I encourage everyone to mark their calendars for this year’s Small Business Saturday, Nov. 29. The Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a small business as an enterprise…

Plan now for Shop Small Business Saturday

Shop Small Business Saturday takes place this weekend right after Black Friday. There is a lot going on in Antwerp and Paulding and other locations throughout your communities. This is becoming quite a big event. In Antwerp, stores throughout the village and surrounding area have heavy canvas bags to handout full of coupons and savings…