Welcome to Antwerp Manor Assisted Living located at 204 Archer Drive in Antwerp, Ohio.  We are accepting new residents and would welcome those who need   assisted living care.  This month we want to remember and honor our long term nurse, Mrs. Elizabeth Hormann.  Known to her family and friends as Liz, she served her…

Holtsberry Presents Wall of Honor

Mark Holtsberry has worked tirelessly over the years to collect data on veterans in Paulding County. He has books that he has written to commemorate and recognize those who sacrificed everything for their county. A few years ago Mark put up the board in the courthouse that is next to the entry deputy’s desk. It…

A Great Day for a Car Show

On Sunday, September 13th, the Paulding County Senior Center hosted their annual Car Show. Director, Marsha Yeutter, was happy with the turnout on this 80 degree day! Cars from around and outside the area were present. Rows dated from the early 20th century to nearly news cars graced Jackson and Main Streets as people gazed…

Boat Rally Down the AuGlaize!

Trump supporters took a cruise down the Auglaize River on Labor Day, September 7th. It started at the Five Span Sandbar and traveled to Power Dam, and then back to Charloe. 75-80 boats were reported to have participated in this event even with the downpour of rain!