Category: History

It’s a Gingerbread House Christmas!

This year’s annual Festival of Trees at the John Paulding Historical Society museum promises to be a real crowd pleaser! The museum is located across the street from the Fairgrounds in Paulding. Dates are November 9, 10 & 11 and November 16 & 17.  “This is our largest fundraiser of the year.” Kim Sutton, JPHS…

No Compromise By JPHS

It’s not too late to get your tickets for A Taste of History presented by the John Paulding Historical Society, featuring an encore performance of ‘No Compromise’, the story of the Reservoir War, mosquitoes and mayhem. The dinner theater will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 5 and Saturday, October 6 at the…

The Logan Elm

By: Stan Jordan The Logan Elm that stood near Circleville in Pickway County, Ohio was one of the largest elms that was ever recorded. The 65ft tall tree had a trunk circumference of 24ft and a crown spread of 180ft. This tree died in 1964, it had been weakened by the Dutch Elm Disease and…

A Taste In History At JPHS

The John Paulding Historical Society is proud to present A Taste of History with an encore performance of ‘No Compromise’, the story of the Reservoir War, mosquitoes and mayhem. The evening will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 5 and Saturday, October 6 at the JPHS museum. A four course meal will be served…

Stan’s Ramblings

Woodpeckers By: Stan Jordan I feel real good about writing this column on the woodpecker because nearly everyone holds them all in high esteem. Just like the cardinals and doves. I, myself, like to hear them peck for their food and to watch them get their food. They are structure workers and they survive on…

Carryall Farms Celebrates 168 years

Ohio Sesquicentennial Farm is an intriguing title for a farm, but it has deep meaning to many in the Zuber family, the Steve and Sandy Zuber family, that is. The farm’s dba is Carryall Farms and Carryall Seeds, and in all the generations of Zuber farming is set to celebrate its 168th year this year.…


Mike Wolfe, Frank Fritz, and their team are excited to return to Ohio! They plan to film episodes of the hit series AMERICAN PICKERS throughout the region in September 2018! AMERICAN PICKERS is a documentary series that explores the fascinating world of antique “picking” on History. The hit show follows Mike and Frank, two of…

Take Time To See The Beauty Around You

As we each go through our busy and hectic lives, time passes by and we lose opportunities that are right in front of us. We get so caught up with work, paying bills, taking the kids to ball games, helping friends, volunteering… etc. that we forget to slow down, relax and enjoy what’s around us.…

Latta Welcomes Flag City Honor Flight to National Mall

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) helped welcome veterans to the National Mall as part of the Flag City Honor Flight’s trip to Washington. Honor Flights take veterans to see the memorials that were built in honor of their service at no cost to the veterans. The Flag City Honor Flight organization is…

Veterans Remembered at Memorial Day

May 28 brought about the Memorial Day celebration for cities and towns across America to remember the past and present fallen heroes serving the country. The Antwerp VFW and American Legion stand at attention at the Veteran’s Memorial in Riverside Park while the speakers came forward reminding us all of the sacrifices many men and…