A Taste In History At JPHS

The John Paulding Historical Society is proud to present A Taste of History with an encore performance of ‘No Compromise’, the story of the Reservoir War, mosquitoes and mayhem.

The evening will start promptly at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, October 5 and Saturday, October 6 at the JPHS museum. A four course meal will be served as the actors and interactors play out the historic account of the 1887 Reservoir War that took place in Crane and Carryall Townships, Paulding County.

The play, creatively written by Jane Nice, was performed earlier this year to a sold out crowd. The actors and crew were asked if they would like to do it again because there were many people who couldn’t get a ticket the first time around. They agreed and are looking forward to this “revised” encore performance. So, even if you saw it the first time, you won’t want to miss this performance as a few things have been added and the script has been tweaked.

For more information call Kim Sutton at 419-399-2388.  

This is a fundraiser for the John Paulding Historical Society museum.