“Serving overseas as a small-town boy from America is intense, stressful and humorous! Enjoy a light-hearted story with me from our last 20 years overseas!”



Overseas I have slept in dingy hotels where you sleep with your head under the covers to avoid mosquito bites.  At other hotels I’ve slept on the covers to get fewer bed bug bites.  And still at other hotels, I have been afraid to put my feet down on the floor until the lights are turned on to avoid stepping on something crawling by.

However, the fanciest hotel I have stayed in was located along a river in one of Europe’s capitals and it was paid for on someone else’s tab.  A very wealthy Asian tech company founder from California had decided that he wanted to encourage overseas workers, where working conditions cause a high attrition rate among them.   He covered all the costs to lodge a hundred or so of us in a five-star hotel.  He provided meals, encouraging speakers, childcare, etc. for a week.

During the week, the tech zillionaire would eat with the different couples and families at mealtimes to get to know all of us.  He finally made it around to my family on the last day of the conference for a meal together.  His first question was, “Where are you from?”  I told him, “Indiana,” and he started laughing and then explained.  He said, “I came to this event thinking I would be with people from the East and West coasts.  I assumed people from the coasts were far more culturally sophisticated and would be able to adapt and function better serving overseas.  However, this week, all I have met are people from Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, etc. – people from middle America.”  He had come to the realization that middle Americans were better suited for overseas challenges and mishaps as they were more resilient. 

Lodging in a ritzy five-star hotel is a different experience for a guy that prefers camping when possible.

I realized from that event that it is important to learn to plod along through mishaps that are thrown at me and that I have created for myself.  I also learned it’s nicer to lodge where the bugs live outside the hotel and not in the room with you.

Something similar ever happen to you?   Contact me and let me hear your story!    Matt’s Mishaps, PO BOX 114, Grabill, IN  46741