Penny For Your Thoughts By: Nancy Whitaker

Everyone loves a parade. There are lots of decorated floats, old cars, fire trucks, policemen  and marching bands and baton groups. It is nice to see all of the local high school bands and marching groups. 

Parades are normally held in the summer, so sometimes it is hot and sometimes it may be raining. However, the bands and the marching continues with a 1,2,3,4 and a left, right, left, right. Everyone should be in step marching together as a group. Now, if one person gets out of step or falls behind, it could throw the whole group off.

I have seen a program on TV that shows the North Korea Military marching. I cannot imagine them ever getting out of step. With their arms held a certain way they look almost like toy soldiers in their formation . 

There is an old saying about a person who might just “March to the beat of another drum.” I wondered, “What does this mean?”

Sometimes you will notice a person wearing weird colors in their hair or strange looking clothes. We might think, “Oh they just want attention”. But really, they may just don’t care for the norm and prefer to “be their own person.”

I believe this is just one way someone can march to their own beat. Kudos to those who can look outside the box and not miss a step.

However, thinking of groups marching and working together, brings to mind our own bodies. If one part of our body hurts, it may throw  our whole body off, if we break a bone or get even a cold our whole body feels it.

Much like a marching band being in step. When a group is working together to accomplish a certain goal, one misstep or losing the beat can ruin or play a part in something not getting done correctly. 

Missteps and not marching together can wind up costing money, time or ruin a show or project. It always makes me smile to see a mama duck and her ducklings marching behind her. They are all following watching their mother to gain their maturity to be out in the world. But, if one duckling wants to march alone and it takes off alone, it could face big problems.

When I think of marching together in unity I am thinking of governments, job sites, churches, town meetings, and even a carry in potluck. It turns out better when we all march or work together.

Even in our daily life’s, missed communications and missed steps can cause a crises within the home. For the good of students and education, schools are equipped to teach and use tools to avoid any misstepping in the teaching of our children.

It is okay to march to your own beat and be who you are, but always remember to stay in step with your team, group or family to garner the prize of accomplishment.

When a family is taking a trip, it is easy to make wrong turns and not taking the time to read the map. This will probably lead to being lost and maybe Mom hollering at Dad. Yikes not that! 

It is funny when a baby takes off from his mother walking alone in another direction. He doesn’t get too far because he looks back and sees that Mom is not behind him. 

These are just some of my thoughts on being in step and in sync whatever we do.

Have you ever been part of a group and made a mis step? Do you march to your own drum beat? Let me know and I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.