Kwik Lok hosts First Annual Chili Cook off

Doug Baker with Winner Trinity Rosalez.

The employees of Kwik Lok in New Haven had their first annual Chili Cook off on Thursday, February 9th at the Ryan Road facility. This event presented to five different recipes, prepared by employees to five local judges to see their opinion in taste, heat, and creativity. 

It was a close match but the it was Trinity Rosalez of Fort Wayne who made her secret Spicy Chicken Philly Chili that ended up wowing the judges.

The five judges included Cady Atkinson, Pete LaFaucia, Jon Stauffer, Chad Voglewede. and Bryce Steiner. It seemed that the judges were pretty consistent on the results for the winner.

Doug Baker had stated that there was a design a hoody contest that involved making changes to the Kwik Lok environment. The survey results from November that the approximately 50 employees participated in was to have more community involvement along with more employee activity involvement. This is just the beginning of turning the survey into reality!