Women of Worship Offered at Branch Christian Fellowship

God’s Word calls us to “ in spirit and truth” in John 4:24. Worship can be defined as “extravagant respect, or admiration for, or devotion to an object of esteem”. As Christians we worship our Lord in many ways, but the most common way is through songs of praise and adoration. Did you know there are other ways to offer up your worship to God? Some other areas are in the family, in the arts, and in the spirit. Branch Christian Fellowship in Paulding Ohio would like to invite ladies to come and join other women in the community to learn how we can go deeper in worship on April 23 at 9 AM. There will be a time of praise and worship and 4 speakers will be talking on 4 different areas of worship. There is no charge for this event and no registration is required. 

Fayth Glock is an author, poet and spoken word artist from Ft. Wayne IN. She will leading us in some worship music and speaking on worship in song. Her first and foremost calling is to be with God, and out of that intimacy, she is called to help lead those looking for deeper truth into the everyday reality of real relationship with God. Like a father walks his daughter down the aisle to her groom, Fayth believes God has commissioned her to help guide people down the aisle to be united with their ultimate Lover, Savior and King—a union that leads to abundant life and experiencing heaven on earth. 

Cheryl Burk is from Convoy OH and will be speaking on worship in the family. She is married to Stan Burk they have been married for 46 years. She is the mother of 3 wonderful children: Eric(Julie) Christie(Dan) and Brian and have been blessed  with 7 precious grandchildren. For the last 23 years has had the privilege to sing  with the southern gospel trio “Trinity”. She enjoys traveling and singing Gods word to wherever the the good Lord leads. She grew up in a small country church and every time the doors were open their family was in attendance. She accepted the Lord as her personal savior at the age of 13 and says she grew up with a great love of  music.  She recently retired from Wee Care Learning Center after 32 years and is excited to see where God takes her in this new chapter of her life.  

Darlene Briskey is a local artist who has been a follower of Jesus for many years. She will be creating a painting during the conference and then speak about worship in the arts. She has taught Bible and done children’s programs in many places in the world. She is a wife, mother and grandmother and loves her family very much. She has felt called to be a missionary and share the gospel in where God sends her. Lately the Lord seems to be opening doors for her to share Jesus through her art. She works at the Paulding County hospital but is also exploring how art can be used in worship and for the kingdom of God. Darlene is waiting to see where and how God uses this as she yields to the Holy Spirit.

Kim Cramer is the wife of Pastor Greg Cramer, of Branch Christian Fellowship and she will be speaking on worship in the Spirit. She has served the Lord for many years, predominantly behind the scenes, doing whatever she could to help others. She takes her faith very seriously and continually looks to be a positive influence on her family, friends, grandchildren, church and in her workplace. She currently serves as the Missions Team Leader and is also a member of Branch’s Directional Leadership Team. She has worked over 33 years at Promedica Defiance Hospital  as a Respiratory Therapist. One of her greatest desires is to see others grow in faith and to truly know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior . 

Be sure to come and hear how you can go deeper in worship of our Lord and Saviour! Doors open at 8:30 a.m.