Antwerp Cheerleaders – State Runner Up!

The Antwerp Cheerleading squad were sent off on Saturday, February 26th at the school in the presence of fellow classmates, community members, family and friends. They were State bound for Division VI State competition set to be held at Pickerington North High School on Sunday February 27th. For the seniors of the squad they were veteran competitors at this annual event. The Archer squad had an amazing performance – there is a plethora of talent and hard-earned skill in this group of athletes. With this smashing day of routines, they earned the title of Division VI State Runners Up.

The village of Antwerp welcomed the Cheer Squad back into town Sunday evening with the Antwerp Fire Dept and EMS as escorts. Competition season may be over for these athletes, but they will be back at it to support the Antwerp Boys Basketball team March 1st at Defiance High School!

Congratulations Archer Cheer!!