The John Paulding historical society started an annual event many years ago and the tradition continues. The Festival of Trees  started with only a few trees but over the years has grown into a showcase of beautiful trees, displays, memory tree , delicious food and a time to revisit old friends and make new friends. 

This years event opens to the public on November 5,2021 at 5:00 pm and will continue daily until November 13,2021. The theme is “all aboard the JPHS Christmas train. An exciting event for the children will be on November 6th the polar Express movie will be shown with added surprises. We still have openings if you would like to decorate a tree. Help with a meal, donate some time, be a greeter , share a collection.We provide the tree and you make it look beautiful. 

The success of this event along with others throughout the year help to keep “history alive” in Paulding  County. Please join us. Contact the museum  at 419-399-8218. Leave a message . Museum hours are 1st Saturday 10-3 or Tuesdays 10-4.