Where Are the Barber Poles?

Penny For Your Thoughts

By: Nancy Whitaker 

Remember those red and white striped poles and what they indicated? Those poles usually meant that the place was a barber shop. The old local barbershops used to be a place where men could go in and get a shave and a hair cut for (2 bits)

Actually the skill of barbering dates back to the times of Pharaohs. Their barbering tools consisted of a sharp stone or an oyster shell.  Moving on to a later time, barbers also performed surgery. (oh my). In the fourteenth century in England, barbers formed into two classes: those who practiced barbering and those who practiced surgery.

I often wonder about how our early ancestors washed their hair and we know there was no conditioners or good shampoo.

I have read accounts of men who wore the powered wigs and wonder if they ever washed their hair or took off the wig.

Most men of the colonial times were smooth shaven and many of the rich wore those wigs. 

In speaking of barbers and hair cuts, I think of all the various hair cuts men have got through the years. We already know that women’s style has evolved quite a bit since the early 20th century. The 1910’s were all about a handlebar mustache and slicked-down hair.

Also in the 50’s and 60’s we saw the appearance of many rock and roll singers who inspired side burns, duck tails, and flat tops. 

Of course men are vain too, especially about losing their hair. They too, will buy products to grow hair and may tuck a toupee on top. 

We also have the Mohawk still around and a lot of guys prefer the bald look and shave their heads. 

Taking a little boy for their first haircut is always memorable. 

I remember my little brother getting his first haircut and how he screamed and hollered and was scared that they were going to cut his ears off.

He used to get a haircut called The pineapple. It was short on top and had a little tuft  of hair on top. 

Years later my brother grew a long pony tail. That was a style that stuck around a while and long hair on a guy is coming back into style. 

Today a guy can  go into a beauty shop and get their hair washed styled and cut.

 Now I don’t go looking for barber poles but I think today guys are comfortable visiting a beauty shop. Sometimes a beautician can cut and style a more complex hairstyle than a barber.

So where have all the barber poles at? I was just curious how many there is and do the men barbers work on ladies hair?

I am curious how much would an old barber pole cost?

Let me know about your hairstyles and barbershop poles and I’ll give you a Penny for Your Thoughts.