Biden Flies to Toledo; Campaign Refuses Local Press Attendance

Photo by Markus Winkler from Pexels

The 2020 Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden flew in to Toledo on Monday, October 12 for a campaign quick stop before heading to Cincinnati. The event was a Drive-in style rally that took place at the UAW Local 14 in Toledo.

Unfortunately, the West Bend News and other local news outlets were declined access, “due to COVID-19 restrictions.” However, the Biden campaign said they would allow their own reporters in and send information to local newspapers, “one of our campaign surrogates who will attend the event and/or send you our press release.”

During the livestream of Presidential candidate, Joe Biden stated he will work toward ensuring the country will gets good certified union workers, as well as set up incentives for corporations to keep business in the United States as opposed to overseas, such as China. He stated his administration will be for the workers and he believes in rewarding work!

Biden’s campaign’s refusal to allow local media at this drive in rally, unfortunately, sends the wrong message to the local news, and raises questions. A drive-in event is set up for social distancing. The national press pool that follows the candidate was the only media present during this rally. This has been a common complaint among editors of newspapers and smaller media outlets across the country over the past year regarding the Biden-Harris campaign trail. 

Perhaps, Biden will be back soon in the next 20 days, so that the West Bend News will have the opportunity to attend, and even ask questions to the Democrat  Presidential candidate!