JPHS Receives Car from Stykemain for Donation

Anna and John Henry Kauser, Jim Stykemain, Kim Sutton (president), Patti Boundy (treasurer) and Clint Vance (vice-president).

Anna and John Henry visited Stykemain’s soliciting door prizes for JPHS’s Fall Raffle. Anna told Jim how Covid has hurt the museum. She explained to him that the museum is 100% volunteer, receive no tax money and have to raise their operating budget each year by membership dues, fundraising events and donations. Due to Covid the museum had to cancel their fall and winter events. The Festival of Trees brings in nearly half of the budget each year. Jim says – I think I can help – and made the offer to donate a car for the museum to raffle off and keep 100% of the proceeds! He even went a step further and said that he would pay the sales tax on the car so that the winner will walk away with a 2015 Sonic LT and just need to go get license and insurance!

Tickets will be available from any JPHS Officer or Director or at the JPHS museum on Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

The JPHS Officers and Directors are:  Kim Sutton, president; Clint Vance, vie-president; Eileen Kochensparger, Secretary; Patti Boundy, Treasurer; Shannon Ruschel, Walter Lang, Linda Hodges, Dave Stouffer, Angie Pollock, Bill Strahley, Gene Olwin, Dan Wiler, Dennis Sanderson, Jane Stouffer, John Pier and Max Kochensparger.  You can also call Kim Sutton 419-399-2388 and she will make sure you get your tickets!