Community Memorial Hospital Foundation Makes Adjustments to Purse Bingo Event

With the constant and evolving changes in regards to COVID-19, the Community Memorial Hospital Foundation has made some adjustments to the upcoming Purse Bingo event on Saturday, September 26.

Instead of being an in-person bingo event, the event will become a reverse drawing on Facebook Live. Those with tickets will be eligible to win one of the many purses that would have been available along with over 20 other items that have been added to the drawing as well.

The drawing will still take place starting at 6:00 p.m. on September 26 and will be on the CMH Foundation Facebook page. If you do not want to take part in the drawing, refunds may be requested by mailing in your ticket with name, address and phone number to CMH Foundation, 208 Columbus Street, Hicksville, OH, 43526. If you purchased a table originally, table refunds are available but all eight tickets must be included and refunded at the same time. All table purchasers will be eligible for an exclusive prize in the drawing if they choose to keep their original tickets.

All winners can pick up their items on Saturday, October 3, from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in Community Room 1 at Community Memorial Hospital. You must bring your original ticket to pick up any prizes.

If you have any questions, please email or contact Kevin at 419-542-5696.