We are going through an unprecedented disruption together. But we have been tested before in different ways, and always emerge stronger – and we have no doubt this will prove true once again. 

Here are some important updates on things that have been announced over the last few days:

 Small Business Support

The President announced loans through the Small Business Administration on Thursday evening. The Lt. Governor also talked about those in Sunday’s State press conference. Here is a great resource page that gives some highlights on this program.

Here in Ohio, the Development Services Agency is helping to take the lead and they have asked that any small business owners who have been affected please send your contact information to the following email address: BusinessHelp@Development.Ohio.Gov and they will follow up with you.

Impacted Employee Support

Your employees may be affected by the temporary restrictions put in place. The Governor’s office also announced several initiatives to help:

• They are broadening current state policy to clarify that individuals that are quarantined by a health professional or by their employer are considered to be unemployed and will not be subject to requirements to actively seek work during the period of emergency.

• This also applies to companies that determine it is necessary to temporarily shut down operations due to the current emergency.

• Ohio currently has a 1-week waiting period before an individual can receive unemployment. In order to expedite the payments to impacted Ohioans, they are waiving the waiting week so that workers eligible for unemployment benefits will receive them for the first week of unemployment.

These points were taken from the Governor’s Twitter page. 

Unemployment & Businesses

The Governor also announced some relief for businesses regarding unemployment:

• Because they do not want to penalize individual employers for the impact of this outbreak by increasing future taxes, the costs of these additional benefits will be mutualized.

• ODJFS will also waive employer penalties for late reporting and payments for the next quarter to assist employers impacted by lack of staff availability.

Bar/Restaurant Owner Support

The Lt. Governor announced a temporary buy-back of high proof liquor products purchased within the last 30 days. The goal of this is to ease cash flow for bar/restaurant owners. Here is a release by the Department of Commerce that shares more. It should be returned to the Agency where it was purchased. If you have questions you may call 1-877-812-0013 or email

Federal Response

Additionally, Congress acted late last week to pass legislation to support businesses and families affected by the disruption.  

How do you respond?

The Governor strongly urged business leaders yesterday to consider your response to this urgent situation. Can your employees work remotely? How many? They issued the strongest call yet to have businesses encourage that. I understand that many businesses cannot do that. If that is your case, what steps can you take to ensure the maximum protection of your teams and customers, and ultimately our community? It is clear that there are no easy answers here.

If you are in the service industry please send us your altered carry out/take out operations so we can assist in publicizing them to the community.   

Let’s rally and continue to support each other!