Paulding County EMA and Health Department Ask You To Take COVID-19 Serious

The Paulding County Health Department and Emergency Management Agency continue to emphasize to take the COVID-19 Influenza Virus SERIOUSLY! The decisions that the President Trump and Governor DeWine have made is to lessen the impact on the health and wellbeing of us all. Young, middle age and the elderly are all at risk. To this point the coronavirus is here in Ohio, fortunately we have not heard of anyone dying from it in our state. 

The Health Department and the EMA have met with the County Commissioners, the government elected officials, and the department heads, to discuss procedures with attempting day to day operations with the courthouse being closed to the public. Sheriff Jason Landers has looked at how his office deals with the public and has closed the lobby to the sheriff’s office his deputies will be dealing with calls to residences and businesses in a different manner keeping their distancing.

There was a meeting with the hospital and EMS agencies Monday night to discuss PPE for personnel to be worn, procedures for handling patients, procedures once the squad arrives at the hospital, and how to sanitize the squads and equipment used after a run. 

Paulding County’s Health Dept. Emergency Coordinator Bill Edwards stated, the public is being urged to follow the guidelines of “social distancing” limit your travel to only necessary destinations. He added, it is important to stay informed of updated information from the CDC, the Ohio Health Department as well as the Paulding County Health Department. Once again here are the recommended precautions to take.

1. Wash your hands, only use hand sanitizer as an alternative.

2. Maintain Social Distancing, of six feet, do not shake hands

3. Moisturize to keep your skin barrier healthy.

4. Disinfect door knobs and electronics.

5. Stop touching your face.

6. Throw away your tissues.

7. Decrease your stress, keep up with your workout routine.

8. Get enough sleep.

9. Take vitamin supplements, taking both prebiotics and probiotics for your digestive system.

11Avoid eating a lot of fast foods, it’s best to eat a diet full of nutrition-rich vegetables and fruits, complex proteins, and whole grains.

We are all in this together, how we behave during this pandemic affects my health and your health. Following these guidelines is extremely important, because we are dependent on each other. We need to rise to the occasion and to take action immediately and look out for one another. This is critical for our lives and even leading to unnecessary deaths. 

Director Edward Bohn of the EMA recommends that the public take into account the need to prepare for the long term. The “flatting of the curve” as the medical community have recommended will take us into the coming months and as a result of this, having enough food and supplies on hand for your family is a concern, but the rush on Hand Sanitizer and Toilet Paper was not needed, as other items, wiped off the shelves. Supplies will be restocks on the store shelves it is a matter of allowing the stores to do so. That is why Chief, Walmart, Kroger and other 24 hour stores are closing their stores at 10:00/11:00pm and reopening at 6:00am. Dollar General is asking that the early morning hours be opened and allow the elderly to do their shopping.

We will get through this pandemic as long as we take this matter seriously, and look out for one another’s needs, especially helping your elderly neighbors and family members in going to the store, gassing up their vehicle, checking on their wellbeing. 

Edward Bohn – Director

Paulding County EMA

Bill Edwards – Emergency Coordinator

Paulding County Health Dept.