Vantage Students Head To SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships

Vantage students earn spot at SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships. Back: John Pseekos (Delphos Jefferson), Trevor Siefker (Kalida), Jacksyn Nichols (Fort Jennings), Tanner Mathewson (Delphos Jefferson). Front: Violet Taylor (Parkway), Jacob Rose (Paulding), and Makenna Suever (Van Wert). Not Pictured is Mark Rice (Delphos Jefferson) and Robert Hobart (Paulding).

Congratulations to the following Vantage Career Center students who have placed in the top three in their category at the 2019-20 SkillsUSA Regional Championships, held at Penta Career Center in Perrysburg, Ohio on February 14: John Pseekos (Delphos Jefferson), Tanner Mathewson (Delphos Jefferson) and Makenna Suever (Van Wert), Senior Welding, received gold in Welding Fabrication; Trevor Siefker (Kalida), Senior Precision Machining, received gold in CNC Lathe; Jacob Rose (Paulding), Senior Precision Machining, received gold in CNC Technician; Jacksyn Nichols (Ft. Jennings), Senior Welding, received silver in Welding; Mark Rice (Delphos Jefferson), Senior Carpentry, received silver in Carpentry; Violet Taylor (Parkway), Senior Criminal Justice, received silver in Extemporaneous Speaking; and Robert Hobart (Paulding), Senior Auto Collision Repair, received bronze in Collision Repair. Over 700 students competed at the SkillsUSA Regional competition in various divisions. Vantage Career Center will have a total of 21 students representing Northwest Ohio at the SkillsUSA Ohio State Championships held in Dayton, Ohio on April 4, 2020 and in Columbus on April 7-8, 2020. Vantage wishes all our competitors the best of luck at SkillsUSA state competition.