Woodburn City Council Meeting Minutes 8/19/19

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kelsey, Clerk-Treasurer Cummins as well as Councilmen Watts, Voirol, Gerig, and Renner were in attendance. Superintendent Walls, Chief Parker, and Councilman Martin were not in attendance. Kaleb with 2DS was also present.

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kelsey, Clerk-Treasurer Cummins, Superintendent Walls, Chief Parker, as well as Councilmen Voirol, Gerig, Watts, and Martin were in attendance. Councilman Renner was not present. Kristi with Sturtz Public Management, Nathan with Jones Petrie Rafinski, and Elissa with the Department of Planning Services were also present.

The mayor opened the meeting with the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. regarding the Mainstreet Streetscaping, or project # 1 of 3 of the Stellar Projects. Kristi facilitated this public hearing which is the first of two public hearings that will occur for the Mainstreet Streetscaping portion of projects. She presented relevant information and had Nathan present information as well. The floor was opened to the public and audience members were encouraged to comment. Carol spoke as a board member of the NewAllen Alliance, speaking in favor of these Stellar projects for our community. Elissa with Allen County Department of Planning Services mentioned that this is an important opportunity in Northeast Indiana and that it speaks well of our area that multiple groups can work so well together. The mayor asked the council to reach out to the community, in particular the residents that will be directly impacted by the proposed project. Councilman Voirol asked about a few components of the project and what costs would be involved. The public hearing was closed at 7:17 p.m.

Chief’s Report:

The police chief presented figures for July for the Woodburn Police Department. The new squad came in last week and is currently being outfitted by CopsGear. Officer Cowan has considered the department’s needs for ammunition for the remainder of the year and the requested purchase was approved at the Board of Works meeting this evening. Two new laptops for the squad cars were also approved and will be spent out of already appropriated funds. There is a high probability that Officer Crabtree will move on to another agency. An advertisement will be prepared for his potential replacement. The shooting range is in final process of being donated to the city by the Potts’ family. The city appreciates the contribution to our police department. 

Superintendent’s Report:

IDEM is potentially making the city remove additional material on the outermost layer at the lagoon ponds, where wastewater doesn’t actually flow. Right now options are being considered. On the other side of that consideration, the clay liner looks good and hopefully the removal process will not require a large depth to relocate. Last Friday, Jackson finished the influent and this constitutes substantial completion. The one year warranty will begin on that day. The clerk-treasurer will get with Commonwealth to determine what values to submit to Selective for insurance purposes.

Mayor’s Report:

The mayor went over information regarding the Community Crossings Grant that will resolve in the near future. The mayor retrieved a quote from Mudrack Tree Service for a resident that has a tree in the city right-of-way that is impacted by aphids. This cost is $315 this year and another $280 next year. After discussion, Councilman Watts moved to proceed as proposed, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. The mayor presented information from BrightPoint, which facilitates grant funding for home repairs to low income households. INDOT updated the piano keys at the crosswalk at Bull Rapids and Main when they went through to stripe last week. The solar project at the water plant is about to begin and finish in the next several weeks. The mayor went over details with A & Z Engineering regarding Stellar project # 2 of 3, Sidewalk and Trails, and presented information to the Council. The mayor asked that the council consider attending meetings for the potential fire territory.

Clerk-Treasurer’s Report:

The meeting minutes were presented from the August 5th meeting. After discussion, Councilman Gerig moved to accept the minutes from the meeting on August 5th as presented, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. Warrants were presented. After inspection, Councilman Voirol moved to pay the warrants as presented, second by Councilman Gerig, all present in favor. The clerk-treasurer suggested that an average annualized wage be calculated for the combined employees of the City, not including Board of Works or Council members, and consider in the budget a 3% cost of living adjustment based on that average. Additional thoughts were encouraged and shared. After discussion, it was determined to write in a 3% across the board cost of living adjustment for 2020. Final decisions will occur at a future meeting.

Councilmen’s Report:

Councilman Martin wanted clarification about the city’s nuisance ordinance.


Elissa presented information about changes to the county’s process to consider potential abatements and articulated the differences between the old language versus what has been proposed. This topic was considered by the city’s attorney and actualized in the form of Ordinance 19-1373. After discussion, Councilman Watts moved to read Ordinance 19-1373 (Modify ERA Designation Requirements) by title only, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. Councilman Watts moved to accept the first reading of Ordinance 19-1373, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. Any additional readings will occur at a future meeting in order for the Council members to consider its content more fully.

Councilman Watts moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

Go to www.cityofwoodburn.org to see previously approved minutes and recent community news.

Chief’s Report: Nothing to report.

Superintendent’s Report: Nothing to report.

Mayor’s Report: The mayor would like to extend an offer of full-time employment to Officer Zachary Crabtree to begin May 6th. The mayor facilitated a swearing in ceremony at the Board of Works meeting earlier this evening for Officer Dager as a new reserve, Officers Cowan and Roth as part-time officers and the promotion of Officer Parker to Police Chief of the Woodburn Police Department. The mayor discussed details with the council regarding updates to the Community Crossings project to begin approximately the last week of May. Portions of this project will coincide with the other water main project facilitated by Wessler. The mayor mentioned that the progress of the mechanical plant is behind currently.

Clerk-Treasurer’s Report: The meeting minutes were presented from the April 1st meeting. After discussion, Councilman Gerig moved to accept the minutes from the meeting on April 1st as presented, second by Councilman Watts, all present in favor. Warrants were presented. After inspection, Councilman Watts moved to pay the warrants as presented, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. The clerk-treasurer presented information to the council regarding the combined asset management proposal by BakerTilly (formally Umbaugh) and Commonwealth. After discussion, there was no intention to proceed with this proposal at this time. The clerk-treasurer presented documents that Kristi Sturtz had provided via email with a layout of events involved with the landscaping portion of projects through 2020.

Councilmen’s Report: Nothing to report.

Audience: Kaleb with 2DS brought information for the council’s consideration regarding additional IT needs. After discussion, Councilman Watts moved to proceed with the 2DS proposal as presented, second by Councilman Voirol, all present in favor. A resident inquired as to why a fence is potentially going to go up at the police department. Councilman Watts explained why he felt that this was a needed addition for officers. A resident mentioned that Mainstreet will partnership with McDonalds on May 2nd as well as a ‘Sweep the Street Saturday’ throughout the whole city on June 1st. She also asked why the office hours of city hall had been changed. The clerk-treasurer explained that there was a new need to take deposits outside of the city limits and the office hours were changed to accommodate this need. Given that it is a work in progress, hours may change again in the future based on community input.

Councilman Voirol moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilman Watts, all present in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:32pm.