Antwerp Police Reports

The Antwerp Police reported their events of the last two weeks starting on July 10th. 

On July 10th, a report was received by BCI&C that indicated that evidence taken from a traffic stop in June tested positive for methamphetamine. Charges are pending through the Paulding County Prosecutor’s Office.

Also on July 10th, Antwerp Police Department was informed of families living in a home with no water and no electricity. The case was investigated and turned over to Department of Human Services.

A call came in on July 12th about a woman who called a downtown business and became upset. Woman talked to two separate employees and stated she was going to bring her gun and shoot them both. Case was investigated and within 15 minutes the woman was arrested and taken to Paulding County Jail. The woman is the same woman who called police because she was too drunk to babysit her grandchild and the same woman who complained to police about the police department harassing her.

On July 14th, a hit/skip accident near the Root Beer Stand was reported. The suspect vehicle is a 2008-2012 red Honda Accord and should have passenger side damage and missing side mirror. Please contact the Antwerp Police Department if you have any information.

A vehicle was stopped on July 15th at the intersection of Daggett and Erie St. and the driver was sited for fictitious plates. The suspect was also arrested for a warrant out of Defiance County.

On July 16th, there was a report of a man shoplifting items from a downtown business. The case was investigated and suspect arrested. This is the same suspect mentioned a few weeks ago charges with stolen credit card and theft. 

On July 17th, a man, located across from the West Bend News, was arrested for a warrant out of Paulding County Court.

Officers were asked to assist a resident on Woodcox St. on July 18th. The resident needed help getting her elderly mother from the vehicle into the house.

On July 18th, an officer noticed a vehicle in the park at 11:00 p.m. The officer investigated and found the people over the bank fishing.

On July 20th, a vehicle was stopped on S. Main St. for no tail lights. The driver was sited for no tail lights and no operator’s license. 

On July 22nd, a glass bong with marijuana residue was brought into the department by an 11 year old who found it along the river.

On July 23rd, a vehicle struck a light pole on S. Main St. The accident was investigated and the driver sited.

As of July 24th, the Antwerp Police Department has received 111 calls and has issued 27 citations.

If you would like to report any suspicious activity or if you have any questions, please contact the Antwerp Police Department, 419- 258-2627, as they are always ready to serve the residents of the village!