Payne Fire Department Hosts Community Breakfast

In the picture preparing and serving pancakes and sausage are Austin Miller, Zach Mansfield, Fire Chief Jesse Hoeppner, Jason Bauers, Tammy Williams, and Travis Zartman. Many others helped in this community fundraiser event!

On Saturday, April 20 the Payne Fire and EMS hosted their annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast in the Payne Elementary cafeteria. On the other side of the school the basketball marathon was taking place at the same time.

This event that the volunteer firefighters organize helps to raise funds for the Fire Department and help cover expenses that tax dollars cannot do alone. 

The breakfast fed as many as 300 people on this rainy Saturday morning and had a somewhat of a difficult time keeping up with demand. They were able to work hard everyone was well fed by the end!

About half of the volunteers were there serving and working the grill and the kitchen. 

If you are interested in helping the Fire Department is seeking individuals interested in becoming volunteer fireman. Training is paid for by the department. Please see the Chief or any fireman for an application or call 419-263-2514 Extension 110.