Antwerp Staff members meet Salman Khan

Pictured is Dr. Martin Miller and Salman Khan.

This past week Antwerp superintendent Dr. Martin Miller, IT Director Harold Gottke, and Kindergarten Teacher/Tech. Coach Zach Lee had the opportunity to meet with Salman Khan (founder of Khan Academy) prior to his keynote address to the Future of Technology Conference in Orlando, Florida.

Salman Khan is an American  educator and entrepreneur who founded Khan Academy, a free online education platform and an organization with which he has produced over 6,500 video lessons teaching a wide spectrum of  academic subjects, originally focusing on mathematics and sciences. He is also the founder of Khan Lab School, a brick-and-mortar school associated with Khan Academy.

Pictured is Harold Gottke and Salman Khan.

As of December 2018, the Khan Academy channel on YouTube has more than 4.5 million subscribers and the Khan Academy videos have been viewed more than 1.6 billion times. In 2012, Time named Salman Khan in its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world. 

Khan believes that supplementing traditional classroom education with the technology being developed by his Academy can improve the effectiveness of teachers by freeing them from traditional lectures and giving them more time for instruction specific to individual students’ needs.

Pictured is Zach Lee and Salman Khan.