City of Woodburn Council Meeting Minutes 1/21/19

The City of Woodburn council met on January 21, 2019 for a monthly meeting. It began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kelsey, Clerk-Treasurer Cummins, Superintendent Walls as well as Councilmen Watts, Voirol, Gerig, Renner, and Martin were in attendance. Jamal with A & Z Engineering was also present. Officer Yates was not present.

Police Report:

Nothing to report.

Superintendent’s Report:

The utility employees were out plowing on multiple occasions but during one heavy storm, the superintendent sent them home until the blowing subsided, at which point they finished cleaning the streets. There are minor issues with two of the plow trucks and they will be addressed shortly. The superintendent gave an update to the council regarding the work being performed at the Mechanical Plant site.

Mayor’s Report:

The mayor mentioned that one of our police squads had multiple recall notices and there were additional repairs that were needed. Officer Yates is pricing out options for the City. The mayor mentioned the NewAllen proposal and asked Councilman Martin to explain what that would look like. After discussion, Councilman Renner moved to pay the NewAllen Alliance $5,000 in 2019 for dues in order to pay for Kristi Sturtz’ services in leading this Stellar Designation process, second by Councilman Gerig, all in favor.

Clerk-Treasurer’s Report:

The meeting minutes were presented from the January 7th meeting. After discussion, Councilman Gerig moved to accept the minutes from the meeting on January 7th as presented, second by Councilman Watts, all in favor. Warrants were presented. After inspection, Councilman Voirol moved to pay the warrants as presented, second by Councilman Watts, all in favor. The clerk-treasurer presented information regarding end of year finances. This included revenue and expenditure guidelines for each fund as well as cash balances throughout the 2018 calendar year. December was corrected for $59.90.

Councilmen’s Report:

Councilman Renner asked if there was a possibility for the city to provide funds for equipping the pavilion in the park with heat and air in order to allow for a better experience for the community. Nothing was decided at this time. Councilman Gerig thanked the utility department for taking care of the streets with the recent weather. Councilman Voirol asked what the city wanted to do regarding the recent snowfalls regarding sidewalks, in particular down Main Street. Nothing was decided at this time.


Jamal with A & Z Engineering presented information to the Council regarding the Industrial Park Feasibility Study that has been discovered to date. Discussion occurred among the council regarding this information as they considered future opportunities.

Councilman Watts moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilman Voirol, all in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:34 p.m.