Rhine McLin Leads Democratic Dinner

The Paulding County Democratic Party held their annual Baked Potato and Chili Supper on Tuesday, October 16. The guest speaker was Rhine McLin from the Ohio Democratic Party. The dinner at the Paulding Eagles was a big hit as usual!

Before the speaker arrived, J. Michael Galbraith was there to encourage supporters at the event.

Aden Baker also spoke right after the dinner. He mentioned the issues currently facing the small towns in northwest Ohio which includes those going bankrupt or nearly so as costs have risen exponentially. He specifically mentioned Grover Hill, his hometown, as an example with the EPA-required sewer project costing over $2,000,000 and the town does not have the ability to pay for it. He said the state has a rainy day fund that money is counting to be put into from local tax payers and towns when it could be used to help towns that cannot afford projects. Instead, the state auditor told the town to cut costs, and it eliminated the police department, but they still cannot fund the project.

Aden stated, “Unlike my rival, I’m not going to Columbus to make friends. I’m here to bring northwest Ohio values to Columbus.” Aden says there are solutions to helping small towns. 

Baker also stated that he is opposed to Issue 1 on the ballot because issue 1 does not explain how it will help get people away from their drug addictions. Baker also pointed out that these people have addictions and that having jobs for them would help them. Under Issue 1 drug dealers would get the same treatment as users who are addicted and he is opposed to that. He said funding for rehabilitation is what needs done rather than just leaving people off the hook.

Rhine McLin from Dayton, Ohio was the main speaker for the evening. Rhine has served as a representative, state senator, and the Mayor of Dayton. She is currently an educator at Dayton Public Schools. She is also on the Montgomery County Board of Elections.

Rhine McLin understands the current plight of the Democratic Party in Ohio as she is the Vice Chair. Even though Paulding County is considered a “red” county she says to make sure that each person gets out and votes. “Absolute power brings about absolute corruption,” McLin emphasized numerous times. She explained this is a big problem right now because there is not a balance in the Supreme Court or on the Ohio Supreme Court. She said Michael Donnelly and Melody Stewart are both running right now for the Ohio Supreme Court, and even if they win, it still will not bring balance to the court, but it would help.

McLin reminded everyone how important it was to vote early. “I appreciate you coming out here.” she said. “We have threats right now to education, social security, Right to Work, and students.” The district lines drawn previously have affected the vote tremendously in a negative way she said. “Lines for district redraw will be 2020” McLin continued, “That is why we have win now. The lines drawn differently will make it much more fair.” 

McLin concluded, “Leave no vote behind!”

Brandon Wobler, Paulding County Democratic Chairman, reminded everyone to get out and vote.