Women of Worship Conference at Branch Christian Fellowship, Paulding

God’s Word calls us to “worship in spirit and truth” in John 4:24. Worship can be defined as “extravagant respect, or admiration for, or devotion to an object of esteem”. Christians worship the Lord in many ways, but the most common way is through songs of praise and adoration. Did you know there are other ways to offer up worship to God? Some other areas are in the family, in the arts, and in the spirit.

Branch Christian Fellowship in Paulding invites ladies of the area to come and join other women in the community to learn how to go deeper in worship. They are hosting their second annual Women of Worship event from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 21. There will be a time of praise and worship followed by four speakers addressing four different areas of worship.

For information call Olga Kipp at 419-203-1276, 419-393-2321 or at branchwomenofworship@gmail.com.

Miranda Harris from Montpelier, will be leading praise and worship music then will speak on worship in song. Anyone who attended the Paulding County Ignite/Beautiful Feet gatherings last summer heard her beautiful voice.

“We are blessed to have her at Women of Worship this year. She will also be speaking on worship in song. Miranda Harris is the lead worship pastor at House of Prayer in Montpelier, Ohio, and carries a strong prophetic anointing. It is her desire to touch the Father, heart of God, and usher in His presence in greater measures during corporate and personal times of worship. From a young age, the Holy Spirit has captivated her heart and produced a love of worship that goes far beyond platform performance,” said Kipp.

Miranda has been married 10 years to her husband, Benaiah Harris, lead pastor at House of Prayer in Montpelier. They have four children.

Leslie Callaway of Rensselaer, Ind. will be speaking on worship in the family. She is the wife of Pastor Mark Callaway from The Bridge Church in Rensselaer. She is a worship leader there and coordinator of ladies’ ministries.

She founded Mon Ami Ministry, whose mission is to provide women a means of growth in the Lord by participating in ever increasing circles of encouragement and outreach. Mon Ami, which means “my friend,” is a ministry which communicates friendship through a simple and repeatable manner. Many of the outreaches of Mon Ami are through gatherings such as ladies teas. Leslie organizes several large teas in the community every year and has shared her tea ministry other places around the country and all over the world.

She is also a cabinet member for the Indiana District of the Assembly of God Women’s Ministries.

Jacquie Covill is speaking on worship in the Spirit. She is originally from the Broughton area but moved to Rensselaer 26 years ago when her husband, Jay, accepted a position at the Jasper County Hospital. Their son, Dave, lives at Convoy with his wife and children. A daughter, Kelly, is married to Leslie’s son, Nathan. They live in Indianapolis with their son, Chi.

Jacquie served as secretary of The Bridge Church until her recent retirement. She has been involved in many ministries over the years from children’s ministries, Bible study leader, singles’ group leader along with her husband, a ladies’ mentor, and her gifting of helping people heal from damaged emotions. She currently leads the local Celebrate Recovery group in Rensselaer.

Branch’s own Darlene Briskey will be speaking on worship in the arts. A Christ-follower for many years, she is a wife and mother, and is the children’s director at the church. She majored in art in high school winning a scholarship to Fort Wayne School of Art where she studied as part of her high school curriculum.

Much of her passion for the arts has been expressed in unusual and unexpected ways. She was a lead person in the visual arts department at Family Christian Center in Defiance for several years before coming to Branch Christian Fellowship. She has also used her strength in the visual arts to raise money for world missions, so that she was able to travel and share the gospel anywhere God called her. She has primarily shared with women and children throughout Southeast Asia, a small amount in Mexico, as well as in the United States.

She has held several professional positions during the past 20 some years that afforded her the ability to share art with the people she helped. She now incorporates the art she loves with her kids in children’s church. Lately, Darlene has begun to sense the Lord calling her to share more with the women in the Paulding area and has begun a lady’s arts and craft group at Branch.

Kipp is excited about this year’s lineup of speakers and is expecting great things. “Won’t you join us?” she asks.

Branch Christian Fellowship is located at 109 N. Main St. in the former Armory on the east side of the Courthouse Square in Paulding.