PPEC Introduces “Our Solar”

Pictured are Greg Bostleman – Alex Products plant manager, Craig Riedel – State Representative; George Carter – CEO of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative.

On the cold and windy Monday, January 30st, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative CEO, George Carter, introduced the next generation of power of PPEC.

Paulding County is becoming known as the clean energy producer of the state of Ohio with all of the wind towers that have been in production over the past 8 years. This is now increasing with brand new construction by Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperate partnering with Alex Products. The initiative is known as “Our Solar”.

Our Solar is a new project with all of the Electric Cooperatives in Ohio, and is working with 24 coops all together. Paulding Putnam has specifically built a solar array that produces 75KW of electricity on Gasser Road in Paulding next to Alex Products. All of these are being sponsored by Buckeye Power’s transmission and generation fees.

All of these high generation solar panel frames are engineered and manufactured by Alex Products for all 24 of the solar arrays built in Ohio. Phase 1 of Buckeye Power is rated at 2.1 megawatts.

Each panel produces 330 watts of power which is quite a bit of electricity when you see the entire 1/4 of an acre. There is also plenty of land that more of these can be added when needed.

What makes this special for PPEC members? For only $2 per month, after applying the solar credit, a person can sponsor a panel—limited to 10. PPEC does not profit from OurSolar as an energy distribution co-op. Construction costs were covered through an initiative of Buckeye Power, Inc., our generation company – another great benefit! A member can sign up for 5, 10 or 20 year contract.

Why is PPEC doing this? Members are asking more and more about renewable energy and with the high interest and being member driven, it only makes sense to be at the forefront of the green energy revolution!

OurSolar is a local power source, which allows the community to have more control over a portion of their power supply. Generating energy with solar power creates no pollution nor carbon dioxide emissions, and is a clean, renewable, and sustainable alternative energy source.

Do you want to know more? Visit oursolar.coop/pauldingputnam