ACDC To Hold Town Public Meeting

Tuesday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m., at the Antwerp VFW, the Antwerp Community Development (ACDC) will hold its annual meeting and has invited many local organizations to participate.  Attending to give brief reports of their activities will be the ACDC, Antwerp Village Council, Antwerp School, Fire Department, Police Department, EMS, Antwerp Chamber and Rotary. This is the one and only gathering of the year where all these organizations will be assembled together to meet with the public. If you want to know what is going on in Antwerp this is the place to find out.

Door prizes will be given in drawings. Snacks and soft drinks will be available free of charge to those attending and a cash bar will be available for adult beverages. We welcome you to attend.

–Lisa Glass, President, ACDC