Congressman Bob Latta Featured Speaker at Paulding Putnam Electric

 Pictured L to R: Congressman Bob Latta and PPEC CEO George Carter

Pictured L to R: Congressman Bob Latta and PPEC CEO George Carter

Over 70 ACRE/COPA® members attended Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative’s (PPEC) annual breakfast Sept. 1st. Congressman Bob Latta was the featured speaker and was able to discuss the many obstacles facing our nation and the electrical industry. ACRE/COPA® is a true grassroots political action committee, which helps keep electric rates low for PPEC members. The breakfast is held each year for the members to receive an update on the current happenings in Washington D.C.

One of the main topics this year was the EPA’s overreach. Congressman Latta stated if we get another polar vortex as we did in 2014, we are likely to see rolling brown outs. “The EPA’s regulations are closing down coal plants all over the country with no energy source to back us up.  I have over 60,000 manufacturers in my district that would be impacted if rolling brown outs occurred and we cannot have that. That’s why it’s very important for people to vote this coming election.”

Latta also discussed our country’s national debt,” Currently, our national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. By 2024, we will be paying 800 billion in interest. How are we going to pay for our military and other necessities? We must look at the big picture!”

PPEC’s CEO George Carter wrapped up the meeting, encouraging members to vote and he thanked everyone for being part of ACRE/COPA® “ACRE gives us a powerful, persuasive voice to counter political dysfunction in Washington and act as an honest broker for our employees and consumer-members. I see this program as a wonderful opportunity for cooperative members, to be more involved in the political process and supportive of the cooperative, which they own.

For more information on ACRE/COPA®, please visit our or call 1-800-686-2357.