2016 Ribfest 5K Winners

L-R start with front row: Emma Hensel, Avin Johnson, Gabriella Snyder; Middle Row: Sam Switzer, Seth & Reese Bidlack, Hayden Krick, Ellise Wetli, Brandon Laney, Gracie Laukhuf, Jamie & Liam Altman; Third Row: Bob Switzer, Brian Wenninger, Ryan Spieth, Suzanne Zartman, Debbie Gillespie

L-R start with front row: Emma Hensel, Avin Johnson, Gabriella Snyder; Middle Row: Sam Switzer, Seth & Reese Bidlack, Hayden Krick, Ellise Wetli, Brandon Laney, Gracie Laukhuf, Jamie & Liam Altman; Third Row: Bob Switzer, Brian Wenninger, Ryan Spieth, Suzanne Zartman, Debbie Gillespie

This year the Ribfest 5k took place at the Antwerp Riverside Park with 138 runners participating. It was a beautiful day on Saturday, June 4 for running this race. The top male runner this year was Hayden Krick with a time of 16:31. The top female was Ellise Wetli with a time of 21:10. In the Ages 5-9 the top male and female were Keegan Gray-Wyckoff 48:33 and Gabriella Snyder with a time of 39:09. Ages 10-14: Avin Johnson 23:32 and Emma Hensel 25:14. Ages 15-19: Brandon Laney 17:40; Gracie Laukhuf 24:56. Ages 20-29: Seth Bidlack 17:51, Jamie Altman 24:35. Ages 30-39: Brian Wenninger 19:02, Raliza Pashova 24:58. Ages 40-49: Ryan Spieth 21:11, Debbie Gillespie 24:23. Ages 50-59: Sam Switzer 19:49, Suzanne Zartman 44:13; Ages 60+: Bob Switzer 19:44 and Pam Reese 32:34.

Michelle Waggoner (CMH), Hayden Krick (overall Winner), Reese & Seth Bidlack (CMH Athletic Trainer), Brenda Von Deylen (CMH HR, Marketing).

Michelle Waggoner (CMH), Hayden Krick (overall Winner), Reese & Seth Bidlack (CMH Athletic Trainer), Brenda Von Deylen (CMH HR, Marketing).

Along with the runners several rode bicycles. It was also notable of Seth Bidlack who pushed a stroller with his “Superman” son, Reese, across the finish line in overall 3rd. Community Memorial Hospital was the major sponsor with CEO Michelle Waggoner telling the runners how much CMH appreciates this community and the runners in the race. The event was coordinated by Carrie Reeb and she, along with her crew does a great job with this event each year.