Antwerp Rotary Tennis Court Renovation set to Begin

Rotary Park Improvement Project Banner 4.16The Antwerp Rotary is excited to announce that work on the tennis court will begin on April 16th. The project includes renovating the court and surrounding area to include proper drainage and an improved playing surface.  Spear-headed by Rotarian Floyd Ramsier, the project has finally come to fruition after many years of raising funds for the renovation. In addition to traditional tennis play, lines will be added to the court to accommodate the game of “Pickle-ball”.

Pickle-ball® was invented in 1965 on Bainbridge Island, outside Seattle, WA. The goal of Pickle-ball® then and now was to create a game that is fun for every member of the family. The court is smaller and the net is lower. The lower net and the use of a wiffle-type ball allow the game to be accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

This project was made possible by the hard work of the Antwerp Rotary, Rotary District 6600, Village of Antwerp, Antwerp VFW, and the Paulding Eagles, and by the generosity of numerous individuals within our community. Donations may be dropped off at Marilyn’s Petals and Vines, Antwerp Exchange Bank and the Office of Floyd Ramsier, Attorney.

The court will be under construction until approximately June 15th, weather permitting, and the court and surrounding work areas will be closed to the public until officially reopened. You can watch the progress and transformation on the Antwerp Rotary Facebook page.