“‘Tis the Season…” – Crystal Rider

Tis the season

Crystal Rider

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” – Norman Vincent Peale

It’s that time of the year again, when as you drive in the evening you can see houses lit up with Christmas lights. Some might have only a small candle or two in their windows or maybe just a Christmas tree. Others might have their property lit up like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

If you have ever had the opportunity to drive on old 24 in Paulding County this time of year, close to the US 127 intersection, you have probably drove past John Walk’s house. As you drive by, you won’t see the three five gallon buckets that are full of the extension cords used, or the 115 – 120 receptacles. What you will see, is different sizes of Santa Claus’, a few Mrs. Claus’, lamp posts, candy canes, soldiers, a bear or two, a Nativity scene and if you look close, you can even see a gingerbread man and Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

John started out five years ago with just a single outdoor candle on his porch and has continued to add to his collection yearly, sometimes by going to the Hillsdale, MI fairgrounds to buy some and sometimes people just come to him and give him some. In just the last year his collection has increase by fifty, bringing his total to 297 and he said it took him fifty-five hours to set them all up. He believes he is at his maximum limit now, being as he stores them in his shed in the summer and is running out of room.

If you like looking at Christmas lights, this is something to see. Next time you happen to be driving in the evening and are on the old 24, watch for John’s house and enjoy the lights!  Merry Christmas.