Paulding Kindergarten Enjoys Learning about Farming


Last week, Paulding Kindergarten students learned about the importance of farming and agriculture in Paulding County. Students learned who farmers are and how they use seeds and the environment to produce crops that are harvested and used to supply the world with food which is a vital part of agriculture. They got the opportunity to learn about the many different types of crops that are grown throughout the county especially focusing on corn, soybeans and wheat. Then the students got to see and feel the seeds from these crops as well as discussed what foods are produced from corn, wheat and soybeans. These products include crayons, bread, cookies and even soymilk. Then Staci Miller, read the students a book called “Farms Feed the World,” which talked about how important agriculture is all over the world.  After reading the book, the students learned about the different types of equipment farmers’ use to grow and harvest the crops. As a fun activity for the students, they got to play a version of pin the tail on the donkey, but with a tractor twist, Pin the Wheels on the Tractor. The students really enjoyed learning about farming and how without agriculture and farmers, we wouldn’t have all the wonderful food we like to eat. If you are interested in this presentation, please contact Staci Miller, Education Specialist, at 419-399-4771.