Wayne Trace local school Meeting Minutes 10/15/15

The Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education met in regular session on October 15, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Wayne Trace Local High School Lecture Room

The following members were present: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mrs. Lisa McClure, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Perry Sinn and Mr. Dick Swary.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited; roll call was taken by Treasurer, Lori Davis.

Correspondence, Recognition of Guests, Hearing of the Public.

• Thirty minutes of public participation will be permitted. Each person addressing the Board will give their name and address. If several people wish to speak, each person will be allotted 3 minutes until the total of 30 minutes is used. During that period no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have the opportunity to do so.

• All statements should be directed to the presiding officer; no person may address or question Board members individually.

Guests:  Angie Stokes, Instructor; Katey Scarbrough, Instructor; Tina Mead, Instructor

New instructors were introduced by the high school principal, Phil Nofziger.

Report of the Treasurer

Treasurer, Lori Davis reviewed the 5 year forecast with the board who serves as the audit committee for the district. Changes to the appropriations and revenues for FY16 were discussed.

Consent Agenda Items:

One resolution passed by the Board to approve the following consent agenda items:

Motion by:  Mr. Perry Sinn; Seconded by:  Mr. Duane Sinn

A.  to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2015 Board meeting;

B. to approve the investment report and payment of bills as presented by the treasurer;

C. to approve the cash reconciliation for September 2015;

D. to approve the 5 year forecast;

E. to approve the transfer of $82,000.00 from the general fund to the cafeteria fund;

F. to amend appropriations and revenues for fiscal year 2016.

• Before we pass the consent resolution, are there any items you would like to move from the consent agenda to the discussion agenda for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?

Roll call vote:  Mr. Perry Sinn, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Baumle, Mrs. McClure, and Mr. Swary, aye; Nay, none. Motion passed.

Vantage Report – Mr. Pat Baumle updated the board on Vantage activities.

Report of the Building Principals

Committee Reports

Superintendent’s Report

A. Curriculum

B. Personnel

C. Buildings and Grounds

D. Event

E. Operations

Perry Sinn requested to go into executive session prior to voting on consent agenda items.

6:50 p.m. Executive Session

Motion by:  Mr. Perry Sinn; Seconded by:  Mr. Baumle

“Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1), a motion to adjourn to executive session for the purpose of  considering the employment of an employee of the School District.”

Roll call vote:  Mr. Perry Sinn, Mr. Baumle, Mrs. McClure, Mr. Duane Sinn, and Mr. Swary, aye; Nay, none. Board in executive session.

7:09 p.m. Regular session called back to order.

Consent Agenda Items

One resolution passed by the Board to approve the following consent agenda items:

Motion by:  Mr. Baumle

Seconded by: Mrs. McClure

A. to accept the resignation of Jack Baumle as head softball coach;

B. to accept the resignation of Kerry Gudakunst as a competitive cheer coach;

C. to accept the resignation of Christina Landrum as a competitive cheer coach;

D. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and WTGH Principal, to offer Elizabeth Motycka a two-year contract, retroactive to the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year;

E. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to offer one-year supplemental contracts for the 2015-2016 school year to the following certified personnel:

• Josh Neilson – Asst. HS/ Head JH Wrestling

F. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to offer one-year supplemental contracts for the 2015-2016 school year to the following classified personnel:

• Troy Branch – Head HS Track & Field; Ryne Jerome – Head Baseball; Tiffany Dargenson – Asst. HS Track & Field; Brian Yenser – Asst. HS Track & Field; Terry Campbell – Head JH Track & Field; Don Kipfer – Asst. JH Track & Field

G. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to approve the following individuals as volunteer coaches for the 2015-2016 school year:

• Brett Beckman – Freshman Basketball; Rob Long – Wrestling;Dan Shepherd – Track & Field; Mike Jerome – Baseball

H. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to approve supplemental bus driving contracts for Deb Bidlack and Alice Wenninger to transport students involved in the 21st Century Grant after-school program and other after-school activities;

I. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and JH/HS Principal, to approve an overnight FFA trip to Louisville, KY, on October 30-31, 2015;

J. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and JH/HS Principal, to approve the annual Washington, D.C., trip on April 25-30, 2016;

K. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, JH/HS Principal, and Athletic Director, to approve a motion to remove competitive cheerleading from the student activities account and place competitive cheerleading under BOE policy # 5730 as it pertains to use of facilities;

L. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and Transportation Director, to adjust the hourly rate for substitute bus drivers to bus driver Step 0 of the negotiated agreement;

M. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and Building Principals, to adjust the hourly rate for tutors to teachers’ aide Step 0 of the negotiated agreement;

N. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and NEOLA representative, to modify several school board policies to reflect changes in state and federal laws;

O. to authorize the superintendent to contract services with All Temp Refrigeration, for the purpose of replacing a chiller at WT JH/HS, at a cost not to exceed $33,000.

P. to authorize giving the Superintendent the discretion to give substitute employees, who have worked at least 120 days during one school year, steps on the salary scale for up to five years.

Roll call vote:  Mr. Baumle, Mrs. McClure, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Perry Sinn, and Mr. Swary, aye; Nay, none. Motion passed.

 7:14 p.m. Executive Session

Motion by: Mr. Baumle; Seconded by:  Mr. Duane Sinn

• Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1), a motion to adjourn to executive session for the purpose of  considering the employment of an employee of the School District.”

Roll call vote:  Mr. Baumle, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mrs. McClure, Mr. Perry Sinn, and Mr. Swary, aye; Nay, none. Board in executive session.

7:53 p.m. Regular session called back to order.


Motion by:  Mr. Baumle; Seconded by:  Mrs. McClure

All in favor. Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting will be November 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Wayne Trace High School Lecture Room.