City of Woodburn Meeting minutes 10/5/15

Mayor Hoeppner, Councilman Rice, Renner, Gerig and Voirol, Treasurer Sarrazine, Superintendent Walls and Chief Duhamell were present.

7:00 pm – Pledge

BUDGET HEARING ADOPTION: Councilman Voirol made a motion to approve revised budget for 2016, Councilman Gerig 2nd, all approved, motion carried.  Resolution 15-203 was presented, Councilman Gerig made a motion to approve, Councilman Voirol 2nd, all approved, motion carried. Budget Hearing closed 7:10 p.m.

Police Department –  Woodburn Police Department Reserve have logged 117 patrol hours for September.  WPD worked 78 incidents in September. The Woodburn Police Department has spent the past two weeks getting all officers through their yearly firearms courses. These courses included regular firearms qualification, tactical pistol, tactical rife and pistol transition, shotgun and also a sniper rifle shoot. All officers qualified with passing scores, 2 officers placed two rounds in one hole during the sniper rifle shoot at 100 yards. The equipment for the new police truck has been ordered or will be ordered by the end of the week. Funding is in place.

STRUCTURE POINT ENGINEERING – Jordon McCormack and Tak Kai Pang  made a presentation about developing an engineering study to identify problems with the sewer/ponds. They would like to develop a solution for the IDEM mandated ammonia resolution. The estimated cost for the engineering study is $80,000.

KELLER GROUP – Dawn requested that the Elementary School be declared a Economic Revitalization Area.  That would make it eligible  for a tax abatement which is necessary for them to get funding for the affordable senior housing project they are proposing. The funding requires the city to give a monetary contribution which would be through the tax abatement. Estimated taxes are $35,000 annually.  Councilman Voirol made a motion to make the area a Economic Revitalization Area Councilman Rice 2nd, all approved, motion carried. The actual resolution was tabled until the next meeting on October 19, 2015.

Audience –  Tim Cummins thanked the council for allowing him to attend the conference in French Lick.  Lynn Rorick informed the city   that the New Allen Alliance has been awarded a grant and they have hired Sturtz Public Management to seek grants. The CIB need three people for the board (for the grants) and one needs to be under the age of 40. Two people are also needed from City of Woodburn to be on the Alliance board . Meetings are 7:30 am second Tuesday of month at EACS boardroom.  Keith Malfait (from the Main Street committee) would like the city to commit to upkeep the streetscape downtown.  Mayor Hoeppner presented a quote from Beverly Nursery, Inc. to maintain, plant bulbs etc. from now until the end of the year for $2,350.00.  Councilman Rice made a motion to  go with Beverly Nurseries per quoted, Councilman Gerig 2nd, all approved, motion carried.  The Mayor also showed a picture of wreaths from Herman’s on 30. Three’ foot wreaths lighted with LED lights, two sided for $406 ea. 15 light poles. Total price would be $6,900.00. Councilman Renner made a motion to purchase wreaths, Councilman Rice 2nd, all approved, motion carried. Lynn Rorick said there is a family who would like to donate a gazebo for the corner of Bull Rapids and Main Street. He will know something in a week or so. Beth Wood told council that November 18th was the date of the lighted parade and tree lighting. Line-up is at 5:30 with parade at 6.

Mayor – Three engineering firms are making presentations in regards to the ammonia study.  Reminder that October 17th is the Children’s Home Auction.  Mark Rekeweg would still like to farm the small acreage in the Industrial Park.  INDOT recertification is tomorrow afternoon in Fort Wayne at 2:00pm. Mayor had a meeting with Tony Burris trying to get money for outside recycling. If we do not get money from the Solid Waste District we will have to discontinue the outside recycling program.  Earth first has quoted $20,000 + to keep it as is.

Treasurer – Meeting minutes from September 21 were presented, Councilman Gerig  made a motion to approve as corrected, Councilman Renner 2nd,all approved, motion carried. Warrants were presented for payment, Councilman Voirol made a motion to approve, Councilman Gerig 2nd, all approved motion carried. An invoice for retainage from Malott Contracting was presented for payment.  Councilman Renner made a motion to pay, Councilman Voirol 2nd all approved, motion carried.

Superintendent Walls –  Will head protection meeting with Fire Department tomorrow night. We do have to have another geological study done on the high school wells.  Peerless Midwest will do it for us due to time restraints. We are currently using Grabill’s  total patcher on area roads/streets. There has been e-mail correspondence with the city attorney regarding the easements in the Hamptons.

Councilman Rice – Will not be at next meeting.

Councilman Renner – No report

Councilman Gerig –  Ellis Tree Service responded to the audience member’s concern over the tree in the city easement in front of his house.  They said that there is still a lot of years left in the tree.  Can the city address the approach to the post office?

Councilman Voirol – A resident on Park Lane is requesting a street light. Councilman Voirol recommends people leave their yard lights on because of dense foliage on the street. On Main Street the first parking lot goes right up to the hydrant.  Access to the hydrant is not hindered so no action is required.  There is now a NO TRUCK sign posted on Maumee Center road.  There is a meeting on Thursday for the 40 x 60 corner lot.

Councilman Renner made a motion to adjourn Councilman Gerig 2nd. All approved 8:30 p.m.

All meetings are recorded.  If you would like to request an audio of a meeting please call City hall to request a copy.

Meeting minutes prepared by Treasurer Sarrazine.