Antwerp Archer Football Team

Kim SmithBy: Kimberly Smith

Through the summer, the football players of Antwerp Local have had strenuous three or more hours of practice everyday. They are working hard to attain their goals; goals that consist of having success and to strive to be better in the future. The football team and coach Altimus are aiming higher than ever this season. Bill Nicholson once said, “It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Spurs have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory.”

As you probably already know, struggling is a part of this journey called life. Coach Altimus voices the struggles of the football team telling us that quite a few players are participating their first year out and there is little experience among us. “Getting the kids on the field and showing what they got,” coach Altimus informs us that they need more exposure to that in particular.

Antwerp Archer Football Team for the 2015-2016 season. More pictures at

Antwerp Archer Football Team for the 2015-2016 season. More pictures at

The Antwerp football team members are multifarious and have no lack of players this year, meaning they aim to succeed by actually competing against each other on the field. Coach Altimus feels as if his team is prepared and he does not fail to inform us that he can see the kids gaining offense.

When asked, “What do you like best about being a football coach?” Coach Altimus proceeded to tell me that it was about being around the kids and getting to know their personalities, is what was great. A quote from the Antwerp head coach of this season’s football team: “A great game that teaches a lot about who you are and what life is about.” There is no quandary in coach Altimus’s mind that his team is capable of being successful.