Payne Death Investigation Brings Charges

sheriff police badgePayne, Ohio—As a result of the death investigation of Cary Parsons, age 50. of 202 East Townline Street, which occurred on August 15, 2015, one related arrest has been made.

On August 16, 2015, Andrew J. Martin, age 26, of Payne, Ohio, was arrested on preliminarily charges of Illegal Manufacturing of Drugs, a 3rd degree felony, and Corrupting Another With Drugs, a 2nd degree felony.

“It is our belief Mr. Martin provided a controlled substance that he manufactured to Mr. Parsons, which we believe might have contributed to the death of Mr. Parsons,” said Sheriff Jason K. Landers. “As this investigation continues, I feel more criminal charges will be considered by the Prosecuting Attorney.”