My Teacher Doesn’t Understand – Dear Miss C

Ask Me Miss C HeadingDear Miss C,

I am 14 and go to school here. I don’t think my teacher likes me. What can I do to make her see me differently than my sister (who always got in trouble)?

­—NOT a trouble maker

Dear NOT a Trouble Maker,

To get the best answer possible for you, I contacted a few of my teacher friends… and they had a few steps for you to take. These teachers also made note that every student comes with gifts and challenges, so you should always do your best to show your gifts while getting help with your challenges.

1. Talk to your teachers like regular people. Get to know them, ask them about their weekend. This is a great way to build a relationship and connect with teachers (who can serve as life long mentors).

2. Be quiet during class. You can show your respect by paying attention and only talking when the teacher says you should (group work, discussion).

3. Be positive and help others. This will show your teacher that you respect everyone and are willing to lend a hand when needed. Teachers love this kind of student attitude.

4. Always be prepared for class. Write down your assignments, complete your homework and respect the rules of your school.

5. Always do your homework on time, but if something happens and you are not able to do it… don’t fake it. Instead offer to do extra credit to make up for it. Teachers appreciate honesty over white lies.

6. Participate in class. Don’t just pay attention, but look like you are paying attention

7. Be friendly!

8. And lastly, this is a repeat, but your attitude will shine through. Make sure you come to class everyday willing to learn. Your teachers have a great deal to teach you (both about materials and about life). Use them as a resource, and don’t be afraid to ask questions!


—Miss C