Ask Me… Miss C!

Ask Me Miss C HeadingHi Miss C,

I am 13 and think I am old enough to go on a real date with this cutie from my school. But my parents say no dating until I am 16. How can I make them get into this millennium. Seriously, my friends have already been dating.

– Wannabe Dating Girl

Dear Wannabe Dating Girl,

I just want to cry out….”don’t be in such a rush to grow up!” But that is not the issue here, you want to know how to approach this dating issue. Well first, I would like to say, talk to them honestly. Parents love it when you are calm and honest (it shows maturity). In this conversation, find out why they don’t want you to date. Maybe it’s because they want you to focus on school. Maybe it’s because they think you’re too young. Maybe it’s because they’re not ready to lose you. Figure out what is bothering them and try to make it better. So, if they don’t want you to date because they think school is more important, show them that you’ll still make school a priority. If they’re not ready to lose you, promise to them that you will still be around to hang with them. Don’t just focus on the things they are worried about. Instead focus on your maturity. Give them examples of times when you have followed rules and been responsible or perhaps made good choices. Don’t go into the conversation with the mindset that only you will get what you want. Maturity shows that you can compromise! So don’t whine, yell, or beg! Once the conversation is over you need to give your parents some time to think about it then approach your parents with a follow up. But give them a few days. Let them get to know the person you want to date. It may sound old fashioned, but perhaps you could invite that cutie over to meet your parents. If you are not comfortable with that, then make sure you talk about the person a lot, and let your parents ask as many questions as they want. Start small…maybe the best first date is with a group of friends and an adult supervisor. And finally, be prepared for them to say no. Sometimes your parents are going to say no. That’s just how it is. It stinks, but they’re your parents, and you have to respect what they say. If they say no, respect that and wait a few weeks or months to ask again. Don’t keep begging every day, and please try not to sneak around behind their backs (that never ends well!). Good Luck!


– Miss C

* I am waiting to hear from you! You can email me your questions at, visit my Facebook Page, or send your letter to my attention to the West Bend News! *