Wayne Trace Board Of Education Meeting Minutes

The Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education met for the Organizational and Regular Session on January 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Wayne Trace High School Lecture Room
The following members were present: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Perry Sinn, Mr. Dick Swary
Absent: Mrs. Lisa McClure
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Kevin Wilson.
The Organizational meeting was called to order by President Pro-Tem, Dick Swary.
Roll Call was taken by Treasurer, Lori Davis.
New Business
Nomination and Election of Officers (Dick Swary, President Pro Tem)
A. President of Wayne Trace Board for 2015
President Pro Tem calls for nominations for President.
Mr. Pat Baumle nominated Mr. Dick Swary and Mr. Duane Sinn seconded that nomination.
Nominations Closed
Roll call vote: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Perry Sinn, aye.
Abstain: Mr. Dick Swary Nay, none. Motion passed.
Mr. Dick Swary declared as President of the Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education.
Mr. Dick Swary is sworn into office by Treasurer, Lori Davis.
B. Vice President of Wayne Trace Board for 2015
President, Dick Swary calls for nominations for Vice President.
Mr. Pat Baumle nominated Mr. Duane Sinn and Mr. Dick Swary seconded that nomination.
Nominations Closed.
Roll call vote: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Dick Swary, and Mr. Perry Sinn, aye.
Abstain: Mr. Duane Sinn Nay, none. Motion passed.
Mr. Duane Sinn declared as Vice President of the Wayne Trace Local School District Board of Education.
Mr. Duane Sinn is sworn into office by Treasurer, Lori Davis.
The board discussed items A, B, H, J, and K. On item H, the Treasurer Surety bond will be for $50,000.00 instead of $100,000.00. Treasurer, Lori Davis informed the board that $50,000.00 would be sufficient and the board has not purchased a $100,000.00 bond in the past. Mr. Arnold addressed Item A. Mr. Arnold suggested changing the meetings to the third Thursday of the month at 6:00 p.m. This would help with the end of the month reports as well as allow for an earlier start time. The board is willing to try it for a short period of time and see how it works. Items J and K were added to the consent agenda to recognize the legal counsel the district uses as well as the membership with Ohio School Boards Association. Item B was the final item to be discussed. It was suggested by Mr. Perry Sinn and Mr. Pat Baumle agreed that the compensation for board members should be increased to $100.00 per meeting. The whole board was in support of this change.
One resolution to approve the following consent agenda items:
Motion by: Mr. Pat Baumle
Seconded by: Mr. Perry Sinn
A. to establish the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the High School lecture room as the date, time, and location of the regularly held monthly Board meetings for the 2015 calendar year;
B. to confirm that the number of Board meetings at which Board members may be compensated at unlimited at a set salary of $100.00 per Board member per meeting;
C. to authorize the treasurer to:
1. make transfers within the General Fund accounts to pay outstanding bills within the limits of Appropriations as presented (when merchandise has been received in good condition) and to make General Fund transfers as funds are available;
2. secure advances from the county auditor when such funds are available and payable to the school district; and
3. invest active, inactive, or interim funds at the most productive rate of interest according to law whenever these funds are available;
D. to authorize the superintendent:
1. as the program administrator in making the decision to take part in any local, state, or federal program deemed advantageous to the school district;
2. to approve staff members’ attendance at professional meetings;
3. to attend and represent Wayne Trace Local Schools at all professional meetings;
4. to employ such temporary and/or substitute personnel as needed for emergency purposes and otherwise; and
5. to approve all regular field trips and vocational field trips; all out-of state trips and trips involving more than 1 overnight’s stay, however, must have prior Board approval;
E. to authorize the Board President and treasurer to borrow money if needed;
F. to establish the service fund for the Board of Education and to allocate $3,500.00 to this fund (presently $3,500.00);
G. to authorize the superintendent as purchasing agent for the school district and to establish $15,000.00 as the limit at which the purchasing agent may make purchases/expenditures without prior Board approval (presently $15,000.00);
H. to authorize the purchase of position bonds for the superintendent and Board President at $50,000.00 and the treasurer at $50,00.00;
I. to confirm that the Substitute teacher rate should remain at its current rate of $80 per day for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year;
J. to authorize membership in the Ohio High School Boards Association for calendar 2015;
K. to recognize the following legal counsel: Attorneys Scott, Scriven and Wahoff and Attorneys Dinsmore and Shohl.
*Are there any consent agenda items the Board would like to move down into “Other New Business” for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?
Roll call vote: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Perry Sinn, Mr. Duane Sinn, and Mr. Dick Swary, aye.
Nay, none. Motion passed.
Discussion on who would serve on committees. All board members were in favor of leaving the committee members as is to the existing committees and appointing Mrs. Lisa McClure and Mr. Dick Swary to the Levy Planning committee.
Motion by: Mr. Duane Sinn, Seconded by: Mr. Pat Baumle
A. Resolution to designate Board President as legislative liaison and Board Vice President as the alternate for this position for this calendar year.
Roll call vote: Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Perry Sinn, and Mr. Dick Swary, aye.
Nay, none. Motion passed.
Motion by: Mr. Pat Baumle, Seconded by: Mr. Perry Sinn
B. Resolution to appoint the following committees and to utilize the following Board members to serve on these committees during 2015:
Audit Committee (all 5)-Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn, Perry Sinn, and Dick Swary
Building and Grounds (2)-Perry Sinn and Lisa McClure
Transportation & Food Services (2)-Pat Baumle and Dick Swary
Finance, Insurances, and P.I. Fund (all 5)-Pat Baumle, Lisa McClure, Duane Sinn, Perry Sinn and Dick Swary.
Personnel (2)-Duane Sinn and Dick Swary
Policy (2)-Pat Baumle and Perry Sinn
Extracurricular (2)-Lisa McClure and Perry Sinn
Student Achievement & Technology (2)-Lisa McClure and Duane Sinn
Levy Planning (2)-Lisa McClure and Dick Swary
Roll call vote: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Perry Sinn, Mr. Duane Sinn, and Mr. Dick Swary, aye.
Nay, none. Motion passed.
6:20 p.m. Regular session
This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in the agenda.
Correspondence, Recognition of Guests, Hearing of the Public*
*Thirty minutes of public participation will be permitted. Each person addressing the Board will give their name and address. If several people wish to speak, each person will be allotted 3 minutes until the total of 30 minutes is used. During that period no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have the opportunity to do so.
*All statements should be directed to the presiding officer; no person may address or question Board members individually.
Ms. Laurie Delong and Ms. Chris Fiechter were present to report on Special Education. Ms. Delong started out with saying how Special Education has changed. Ms. Delong informed the board that the Special Education department is reaching out to other similar schools as well as Ohio Department of Education to find out what Wayne Trace can do better to raise the district’s scores. Both Ms. Delong and Ms. Fiechter feel the district is on the right path with the activities that have been implemented, but there are things that still need to be done. There is a need for more support in the classroom to help those students who need the extra help. The district’s enrollment consists of about 17% special needs. The board expressed the need to keep measuring and to find practices that will keep the district improving. The board wants all students to succeed. The board thanked Ms. Delong and Ms. Fiechter for all their efforts.
Report of the Treasurer
Treasurer, Lori Davis reviewed the resolutions B, D, and E. Item B, the resolution to credit interest earnings just clarifies where investment earnings should be credited. Item D, the resolution to accept the amounts and rates as determined by the County Budget Commission reduces the bond millage by .30 mills for the taxpayers. Item E will give approval to set up an activity account strictly for After Prom activities. This account will keep those activities separate from the actual Prom activities. Mrs. Davis also reported that the auditors are done with their fieldwork for the district. The board can anticipate a draft audit report in February. At that time, it is requested to have a special board meeting to review the draft audit report with the auditors. Treasurer Davis also informed the board that the district saved $5,740. 00 by utilizing the Affordable Care Act rules for dependents who are under the age of 26. The district was able to combine coverage for a parent and eligible dependent who are both employed by the district. The result being the district saved the premium cost of a single plan. The employee also will save $638.00.
Consent Agenda Items:
One resolution passed by the Board to approve the following consent agenda items:
Motion by: Mr. Perry Sinn
Seconded by: Mr. Pat Baumle
A. to approve the minutes of the December 8, 2014 Board meeting;
B. to direct the treasurer to credit all interest earnings into the general fund unless law requires specifically that interest earnings must be credited to the fund from which the earnings arose;
C. to accept a $12,000 donation from the Wayne Trace Athletic Booster Club toward the construction of the press boxes at the baseball and softball fields and to thank the Booster Club members for this donation;
D. to establish an activity account (200-9011) for after-prom activities;
E. to accept the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor as follows:
4.00 Mills Inside Operating
23.70 Mills Outside Operating
1.40 Mills 2000 OSFC Construction and Renovation Bond
0.80 Mills 2000 Local Funded Initiative Bond
0.50 Mills OSFC Construction Maintenance
*Before we pass the consent resolution, are there any items you would like to move from the consent agenda to the discussion agenda for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?
Roll call vote: Mr. Perry Sinn, Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Duane Sinn, and Mr. Dick Swary, aye.
Nay, none. Motion passed.
Vantage Report
Mr. Pat Baumle informed the board that the Vantage board does not meet until Thursday, January 15, 2015, so there is nothing new to report at this time.
Report of the Building Principals
Mr. Kevin Wilson reported on the Grover Hill building. Mr. Wilson informed the board that Gregg Schaffner is doing great since he has returned from a leg injury. Mr. Wilson also reported that a sweeper needs repaired for $500.00. The sweeper to buy new would be around $2,500.00. Mr. Wilson also reported that the Grover Hill teachers are looking at the Guided Reading program to see if it would fit our students needs. The Math club is also up and running. Grades 3 – 6 competed in an Around the World competition. It was a big hit with the students. Mr. Wilson also recognized Vicki Noffsinger for the great job she does in the library. She is currently organizing the “Battle of the Books” teams.
Mrs. Jody Dunham reported on the Payne building. Ms. Dunham highlighted the collaboration between the teachers as well as the volunteers. The volunteers work very hard with students to give one on one attention. Ms. Dunham also thanked Superintendent Arnold for participating in the Staff verses the Sixth Grade Class Basketball game. A Penny Pitch collection was done building wide raising $1,800.00. Mrs. Uphaus’ fourth grade class raised the most at $708.00. The class will be rewarded with a pizza party.
Mr. Greg Leeth reported on the JH/HS building. Mr. Leeth informed the board that on December 19, 2014 the building had a Wi-Fi technology test to see if Wayne Trace is ready for the computer-based testing. The building is not quite ready, but tests will continue to be done so Wayne Trace is ready. Mr. Leeth spoke about end of course exams. The current freshman will be the first class that will have this requirement. A meeting has been set up on January 26, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss this with parents and students. Mr. Leeth also reported that he and Mr. Kenny Speice met with Scott House of Dave Baker Agency, Inc and Terry Smith of Flatland’s Supply to discuss LED lighting. The building is going to participate in a free trial program with the company installing LED lighting in a classroom for 90 days. During that period of time they will look at the potential energy savings as well as get estimates on the cost to replace the lighting to LED lighting. Mr. Leeth also reported that all students in the senior class have passed the OGT for 2015. The students will still need to meet graduation requirements to receive their diploma.
Committee Reports
Mr. Perry Sinn reported that transportation is going well. There was one bus last week that jelled up but that has been taken care of.
Superintendent’s Report
A Curriculum
B Personnel
C Buildings and Grounds
D Events
E Operations
Consent Agenda Items
One resolution passed by the Board to approve the following consent agenda items:
Motion by: Mr. Pat Baumle. Seconded by: Mr. Duane Sinn
A. to commend music teachers Miss Sharon Spinner, Mrs. Ann Wieland, and Miss Louise Vranesevic, for coordinating and directing outstanding Christmas programs at their respective buildings;
B. to commend Mrs. Karen Wagonrod and the family and consumer science students for coordinating this year’s Senior Citizens luncheon. Also, to commend Mrs. Susie Johnson; Miss Malorie Diamond and the art department; Mrs. Rose Ann Hall and JH/HS cafeteria staff; Miss Sharon Spinner, Mrs. Joni Wenninger, and the music department; and NHS and FFA students for their important roles in making this a nice event;
C. to commend junior high student Catie Strable for winning this year’s JH spelling bee and JH geography bee;
D. to commend Faith Meraz_ for winning this year’s WTGH spelling bee; and Cameron Stoller for winning this year’s WTPE spelling bee;
E. to approve the resolution appointing Pat Baumle as Wayne Trace Local School’s representative on the Vantage Career Center Board of Education;
F. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and NEOLA representative, to approve the revised language of policy # 6144 (concerning investments).
G. upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and WTGH Principal, to grant an extended leave-of-absence under FMLA for Cassandra Schlatter from approximately March 5, 2015 to the end of the 2014-2015 school year.
H. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the 2015/2016 school calendar as presented by the Wayne Trace Education Association
*Before we pass the consent resolution, are there any items you would like to move from the consent agenda to the discussion agenda for further discussion and/or for separate voting purposes?
Roll call vote: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Perry Sinn, and Dick Swary, aye.
Nay, none. Motion passed.
7:19 p.m. Executive Session
Motion by: Mr. Pat Baumle, Seconded by: Mr. Duane Sinn
Resolution “Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G)(1), to go into executive session for the purpose of considering the employment of a certified employee of the School District.” Roll call vote: Mr. Pat Baumle, Mr. Duane Sinn, Mr. Perry Sinn, and Mr. Dick Swary, aye.
Nay, none. Motion passed.
7:45 p.m. Regular session called back to order.
Motion by: Mr. Pat Baumle, Seconded by: Mr. Duane Sinn
To adjourn meeting. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.
The next regular meeting will be February 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.