Antwerp School Spelling Bee Participants

Antwerp Spelling Bee1The Antwerp Local School Spelling Bee will take place on Friday, December 12th at 1:30 p.m. in the auditeria. The top five spellers in each class from grades five through eight will compete in the bee for a chance to advance to the Paulding County Spelling Bee this winter.

Pictured here are the folling students: Row 4, standing (fifth graders) – Ilse Zijlstra, Alex Ade, Gaige McMichael, Madison Smith, Jaidis Getrost; Row 3, sitting (8th graders) – Iris Sorrell, Nathan Lee, Aidan McAlexander, Brett Fulk, Brayton Stuckey; Row 2, kneeling (7th graders) – Karsyn Brumett, Kaitlyn Smith, Randall Mills, Blake Schuette, Julia Steiner; Row 1, sitting cross-legged (6th graders) – Grace Tuttle, Mallory Ehrhart, Emily Sanders, Maycee Contreraz, Aaron Hawley.