John Paulding Days – Music Through the Ages Has Come & Gone

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe John Paulding Days Festival took place on June 5 and June 6 on the square in Paulding. According to Erika Willitzer, “Typically, the John Paulding Days averages around 1,500 on the opening night, but this year that number was doubled! The weather was perfect for the parade with full sun, a light breeze, and low humidity. As the floats and businesses moved through the parade route, a total of 130 units passed by the judging booth.”

1st Place: Paulding County Board of DD & PC Workshop ($75)
2nd Place: Emmanuel Baptist Church ($50)
3rd Place: Marco’s Pizza ($25)

It was a good weekend in Paulding with all the fun events taking place.

More pictures of the John Paulding Days Parade Here: