Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 4/28/14

This 28th day of April, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present:
Tony Zartman, Roy Klopfenstein, Fred Pieper and Nola Ginter, Clerk
Warrants documented as 207278 through 207381 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment.
The Paulding County Auditor has certified the following “Then and Now” purchase order numbers and payments included in the Allowance of Claims on April 23, 2014, Warrant number 207253 in the amount of $15,445.00; and it is certified that both at the time that the contract or order was made (“then”), and at the time that the County Auditor is completing the certification (“now”), that sufficient funds were available or in the process of collection, to the credit of a proper fund, properly appropriated and free from any previous encumbrance; and pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code §5705.41(D)(1), these purchases must be approved by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Now, therefore the Paulding County Commissioners approve the Then and Now Purchase Orders as submitted by the Auditor; and it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of County Commissioners, County of Paulding, State of Ohio concerning the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board of County Commissioners, and that all deliberations of this Board of County Commissioners and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section §121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.
The Paulding County Auditor has certified the following “Then and Now” purchase order numbers and payments included in the Allowance of Claims on April 28, 2014, Warrant number 207379 in the amount of $2,060.00; and it is certified that both at the time that the contract or order was made (“then”), and at the time that the County Auditor is completing the certification (“now”), that sufficient funds were available or in the process of collection, to the credit of a proper fund, properly appropriated and free from any previous encumbrance; and pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code §5705.41(D)(1), these purchases must be approved by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Now, therefore the Paulding County Commissioners approve the Then and Now Purchase Orders as submitted by the Auditor; and it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of County Commissioners, County of Paulding, State of Ohio concerning the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board of County Commissioners, and that all deliberations of this Board of County Commissioners and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section §121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Moving Ohio Forward is a grant from the Ohio Attorney General’s Office to be utilized for demolishing blighted residential structures; and it is necessary to make an advancement from the General Fund to cover expenses until receipt of the grant payment. Now, therefore the Board of County Commissioners does hereby direct the County Auditor to:
ADVANCE: $392.25
FROM: 001-001-99999/General Fund/Commissioners/Advances Out
TO: 190-001-99999/Moving Ohio Forward/Advances In
Upon receipt of grant payment, $392.25 will be paid into General Fund/Commissioners/Advances Out (001-001-99999).
The Board of County Commissioners does hereby direct the County Auditor to amend the 2014 Annual Appropriation by appropriating to the Prisoners’ Subdivision Fund (Fund 089):
089-001-00001/Prisoners’ Subdivision/Prisoners’ Housing Expense
AMOUNT: $1,000.00
Audit Committee:
The Commissioners hosted the quarterly Audit Committee meeting. Those in attendance were: Ann Pease, Carol Temple, Jayme Landers, Claudia Fickel, Jennifer Wiswell, Lou Ann Wannemacher, and Tiffany Beckman. Ms. Wannemacher was asked to give the group an update on current investments. She reported she invests over $8 million for the County and its entities. She noted she recently secured a 13 month CD for $500,000.00 at .75%, commenting when she first took office, cds were at 4%. The dive in and fluctuating interest rates make estimating the interest income a challenging and difficult task. Her estimated interest income for 2014 is $42,000.00. Sales tax received in April (for February, 2014) was down $25,368.44 from March receipts (for January, 2014). April sales tax was up $1,633.49 from the three year average for the month of April. Ms. Fickel presented the General Fund Receipts and Expenses reports for 1st quarter, 2014, ending March 31. Receipts to the General Fund were $1,872,189.78 and expenses were $1,135,884.15. The 17% increase in receipts from first quarter, 2013, was largely due to one of the wind farm companies making a full year PILOT (Payment in Lieu of Taxes).
Ms. Fickel gave a brief update of the State Audit. She noted Plattenburg was here for a week, collecting data. They will return in a couple of weeks to finish the audit.
Judge Tiffany Beckman reported the Common Pleas Court’s website is up and running, with links to other County offices’ websites. The website address is:
Ms. Pease reported the interior paint project has really given the Courthouse a facelift. She noted the Title Office Fund was able to pay for the project.
Ms. Temple was excited to announce the deeds and property transfers will be digitized soon. Records from 1823 to 1990 will be scanned and preserved during this process. Records from 1990 to present are already computerized. Ms. Temple has a special fund to pay for this project.
Judge Beckman reported she had recently attended a seminar that she found very worthwhile. She commented Common Pleas Court has been really busy lately.
Ms. Wannemacher verbalized her concern about the lack of communication from office to office. She suggested that the monthly meetings/luncheons be reinstated. Judge Beckman suggested that meeting attendees just ‘brown-bag’ it for lunch. She agreed it would be nice to take time out to update each other.
Commissioner Klopfenstein reported the Commissioners recently met with EMA regional representatives. They emphasized County EMAs should meet the requirements of your county. The Commissioners were encouraged to ‘build your own program’. The County EMA Director needs to be a resource person and must be a team player. Mr. Klopfenstein noted he has had a lot of positive input from first responders, fire chiefs, and EMTs.
The Commissioners reminded attendees of the ALICE training on Monday, May 5, at 8:00 on the main floor of the Courthouse.
The next quarterly audit committee meeting will be held in the Commissioners’ Office on Monday, July 28, 2014, at 11:00 a.m.
—Nola Ginter, Clerk
Meeting Notes of Appointments:
Claudia Fickel, County Auditor – Ms. Fickel presented paperwork to advance funds to the Moving Ohio Forward Fund (Fund 190, see resolution above). She also discussed the need to clarify the verbiage in the County Employee Manual regarding vacation accrual calculation for full time/part time status, the waiting period before benefits are earned/payable, and whether or not prior County employment should be considered when calculating vacation. The current employee manual was provided by CCOA. The Commissioners agreed to follow-up on this issue.
Brandon Gerken, State Bank – Mr. Gerken presented paperwork for the CIC#2 note.
Kris Gerken, Huntington Insurance; County Insurance Committee – Mr. Gerken presented the renewal information for the County employees’ health insurance benefits effective June 1, 2014. Mr. Gerken reviewed the medical benefits reports comparing renewal with the current carrier (Medical Mutual (MMO)) to changing to Anthem through CEBCO. CEBCO (County Employee Benefits Consortium of Ohio) is a group made of of 33 counties in Ohio. CEBCO offers several plans to chose. Mr. Gerken quoted the plan that most closely matched the current MMO’s. Mr. Gerken noted the renewal rates from Medical Mutual show a significant increase. The rates from CEBCO/Anthem are lower than the current Medical Mutual rates. He also reviewed the historical renewal experience, noting the average (along with the minimum and maximum) annual increases since 2005. Mr. Gerken also noted there is no ‘buy-in’ obligation; however, there is a three-year commitment. He then explained that the three-year commitment would begin January 1, 2015. Open enrollment will be November 1 through November 15 for the following year renewal. Mr. Gerken noted the life insurance carrier and rates would not change. He also added there will not be administrative fees; however, should the Commissioners chose to retain Huntington, a consulting fee will be charged. The Commissioners agreed they would not pass that cost on to the employees, but would cover the cost from their budget, as has been done previously. He pointed out there are only a couple of disadvantages to making a change in health insurance carriers. The major change that will effect several employees relates to the deductible carryover. CEBCO will not carry over any deductible amounts paid so far in 2014 under the Medical Mutual plan. Mr. Gerken noted the CEBCO/Anthem deductible would have to be met for the remainder of 2014 and then would be met on a calendar year beginning January, 2015. The other drawback is there is only one plan offered (there are currently two plans offered through Medical Mutual). Mr. Gerken referred to the “Good to Know Items” page in the benefit handout. This page explained the ID cards (one for Anthem and one for Express Scripts), with information on how to obtain additional cards, if necessary. Instructions pertaining to prior approval/authorization for a medical procedure and/or prescriptions were also included. Express Scripts and Accredo Specialty Pharmacy contact numbers were provided. Mr. Gerken then note the new plan will be Anthem-Blue Assess (PPO) and that employees will be able to locate provider information on line. He also commented that new hires will have 30 days after their date of hire to enroll. Mr. Gerken assured the group the Commissioners’ decision to change carriers is the best long-term choice for the County employees. He remarked that no county has left CEBCO since its inception in 2004. (In attendance were: Ann Pease, Carol Temple, Jennifer Wiswell, Cindy Kennedy, Claudia Fickel, Lou Ann Wannemacher, Michelle Stahl, Bill Edwards, and Cindy Peters).