Paulding County Commissioners Meeting Minutes 4/9/14

This 9th day of April, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present:

Tony Zartman, Roy Klopfenstein, Fred Pieper and Nola Ginter, Clerk


Warrants documented as 206904 through 206966 for County Bills were approved and certified to the County Auditor for payment.


A motion was made by Mr. Roy Klopfenstein to go into executive session at 8:04 a.m. with the Paulding County Prosecutor to discuss legal matters. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fred Pieper. All members voting yea.

At 8:33 a.m. all members present agreed to adjourn the executive session and go into regular session.


The Paulding County Auditor has certified the following “Then and Now” purchase order numbers and payments included in the Allowance of Claims on April 9, 2014, Warrant numbered 206926 in the amount of $100.00; and it is certified that both at the time that the contract or order was made (“then”), and at the time that the County Auditor is completing the certification (“now”), that sufficient funds were available or in the process of collection, to the credit of a proper fund, properly appropriated and free from any previous encumbrance; and pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code §5705.41(D)(1), these purchases must be approved by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Now, therefore the Paulding County Commissioners approve the Then and Now Purchase Orders as submitted by the Auditor; and it is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board of County Commissioners, County of Paulding, State of Ohio concerning the adoption of this resolution were adopted in an open meeting of this Board of County Commissioners, and that all deliberations of this Board of County Commissioners and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section §121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Meeting Notes of Appointments:

Sheriff Jason Landers – Mr. Landers presented the 2014 Projections report for the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff is projecting a deficit in the wages line item by the end of the year; however, he is anticipating having an overage in other line items and will make adjustments accordingly. He then reviewed the inmate report ending March 31, 2014. There were an average of 24 inmates per day in March and the average stay was 11 days. There were 59 trips made to Putnam County transporting inmates for a total of 4,061 miles. Sheriff Landers reported the K-9 officer has been busy with school and 4-H presentations. He continues to make sure his staff gets the necessary training. He noted there has been a steady increase in inmates over the last year. This has prompted him to work on gathering information to help determine if it might be feasible to attempt opening the jail. Knowing it would require passing an operating levy, the Sheriff said he would appreciate the public’s input on the matter. Mr. Landers stated he has e-mailed other County Sheriffs regarding the radio system they use. Of those who responded, none use a trunking system because it is not a certified public safety system. The Sheriff’s Office is using the system this week to test its reliability. The Sheriff recommended considering the logistics, cost, and feasibility of MARCS. Mr. Landers reported the recent Chiefs’ meeting went well with good attendance. The Sheriff then suggested an evacuation training session for Courthouse employees. He also announced his staff will be participating in a first aid training.

Jerry Zielke, Paulding County Economic Development – Mr. Zielke presented PCED board meeting minutes for the Commissioners’ review. Mr. Zielke reported he had attended a meeting at Vantage along with educators, school curriculum coordinators, and local employers to discuss area employment opportunities and the skills necessary to perform the jobs. Mr. Zielke noted several area schools will be receiving grant dollars to purchase computers for students. He also reported he will be touring the county with representatives from a company that purchases empty buildings, revitalize them, and sell them. The buildings must be situated on marketable property.

Jeff Hollis, All Trades Historical Restoration – Mr. Hollis spoke with the Commissioners via telephone with an update on the Courthouse interior painting project, specifically the Juvenile/Probate Court wall and ceiling. It was decided the wall would be mudded and smoothed before painting. The ceiling had been painted, but the paint was already chipping. Mr. Hollis agreed it would be scraped again and repainted. Mr. Hollis requested the ceiling be inspected by the Commissioners before painting. The Commissioners agreed.

Ben and Steve Moore – The tile map of the Jacob Farm was reviewed. Ben Moore noted it had last been tiled in 1994. Both men are questioning if the entire field was tiled at that time and the depth of the tile. They are also requesting improvements to the tile outlet and an access drive. After much discussion, the Commissioners agreed the farm ground needs some attention to properly maintain it. The expense of the project was discussed. The Commissioners agreed to discuss amending the contract to allow for the addition of verbiage explaining distribution of the cost for the project.

Rhonda Smalley and Bud Larimore – Ms. Smalley and Mr. Larimore met with the Commissioners on behalf of the local Bargain Bin. Ms. Smalley explained the nature of the business which is accepting donations from the public and then providing a retail establishment to sell the items donated. The proceeds, Ms. Smalley explained, go toward purchasing rehabilitation equipment for the Paulding County Hospital. Mr. Larimore verbalized the hospital’s appreciation for all the Bargain Bin and its volunteers have done for the hospital since its inception. Their efforts and generosity truly benefit the entire County.