Antwerp Wrestling Club competes at Defiance

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Antwerp Wrestling Club recently competed at the Defiance Wrestling Tournament on March 29, 2014. All 14 Archer wrestlers were able to place in the top 4 of their respective weight classes. Placing 4th were Karsen Donat and Ethan Steele. Finishing 3rd in the tournament were Lance McKeever, Logan McKeever, and Logan Shaner. Ending the day in 2nd were Ethan Karam, Kamren Johnson, Luke McKeever, Eli Reinhart, Kaden Phares, and Tyler Bauer.

The Archers were able to get 3 champions in the tournament on Saturday as well. They were Avin Johnson, Aidan McAlexander, and Justice Clark. Congratulations to all of the archer wrestlers for their hard work and success throughout this club season. Be sure to catch the Archers in their season finale when they compete in the Archer Open at Antwerp High School on April 5, 2014. Good luck and Go Archers!!!