Boost Your Exercise Motivation

Jill Starbuck

Jill Starbuck

Many of us can officially bank this year’s winter as one of the most brutal and depressing winters in our lifetimes. While many winters can be hard, this one especially doesn’t seem to want to give a little. But we all know that it will eventually come to an end, albeit later than we’d like. In the meantime, we’ve got to work out of our frumpy demeanors to burn off our frustrations and increase our energy. By doing so, we create a positive outlook that will get us through the most difficult times. But perhaps the hardest part is getting motivated.

We all know that we should make exercise a priority in our lives, yet we often lack the will to make it happen. Try some of these tips to help you boost your motivation and make exercise a daily part of your life.

1. Get dressed. The hardest part about exercising is getting started. Whether you decide to exercise first thing in the morning, after work, or during lunch, put on your workout gear without a second thought. Once that workout gear is on, your chances of completing the task at hand increase tremendously.

2. Schedule it. You must consider exercise something that has to be done in order to survive. For instance, you wouldn’t go a day without eating, brushing your teeth, or sleeping, would you? If you schedule your exercise, it will become habit forming. Try early in the morning to get it out of the way for the day and start your day with some energy. Or try it in the evening to rejuvenate yourself from a hard day at work. Pick a time that works best for you and that you’ll stick to.

3. Change it up. Studies indicate that our bodies get used to a particular type of exercise and no longer respond. Therefore, we should change our routines occasionally to keep things interesting and continue to see positive outcomes. If you change it up, you are less likely to get bored.

4. Engage a friend/family. Exercising doesn’t have to be lonesome or boring. Engage in a friendly jump-roping contest with family members. Chat with a friend on a brisk walk. The types of activities that can be shared with a buddy are endless. There is bound to be somebody else you know who wants to get on the exercise bandwagon. Take advantage of it!

5. Join an accountability group. Fitness fanatics are everywhere and easily accessible, especially with social media. Join a group to keep yourself honest. You will find yourself motivated when you read or hear about the adventures and exercise regimens of others. It’s also a great way to ask questions and learn more about fitness in general.

Remember that even the most fitness-oriented individuals struggle from time to time. However, exercise should be a critical part of our lives. After all, if we don’t move our bodies adequately, we begin to literally lose muscles and the ability to function optimally. Exercise is free, relieves stress, rejuvenates, and more. Get dressed and go!

Jill Starbuck has 20 years of experience as a business writer, editor, and market research analyst. She is a certified health coach through the Integrative Institute of Nutrition and a certified running coach through the Road Runners Club of America. She is also the co-owner of a running business. She can be reached at