WT Cheerleaders Qualify for State

WT CheerThe Wayne Trace cheerleaders qualified for the state championships to be held on Sunday, March 2, by placing in the top three at the Anthony Wayne regional competition on Saturday, February 1. The lady Raiders will compete at the state level in the Division IV non-mount grouping at St. John Arena on the campus of The Ohio State University.

Members of the squad include (front row, L-R) Treanna Bidlack, Alexis Flores, Shannon Boroff, Brittany Jenkins, Mackenzie Haney and Jordan Elick. In the back row (L-R) are Allie Boroff, Brooke Ludwig, Blair Ludwig, Jessica Offerle, Kelsee Rittenhouse, Ally Dunning, Kayla Zuber, Gabby Gudakunst and Monique Goings.

Coaches of the lady Raiders are Chrissy Sinn, Chrissy Landrum and Kerry Gudakunst.