Vantage Goes Over the Top for Toss A Toy!

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Vantage students load the toys into the Toss A Toy truck.

With no Toys for Tots operating in Van Wert County again this year, Lee Kinstle GM teamed up with the local

Salvation Army to help collect toys for area children in need. To meet this challenge, they enlisted the help of Vantage, the VW YMCA Central Mutual Insurance, Braun Industies, Alspach-Gearhart, Ag Credit, and Van Wert Family Physicians to help make this Christmas a happy one for all children.

Vantage students and staff raised over $1,600 for the cause by holding several fundraisers. A jeans day and ugly sweater contest was held first, followed by a dodgeball tournament, a candy cane sale, a penny stall and the sale of paper Christmas trees for the commons area. Career Tech programs also donated money to buy toys, with Building & Grounds donating the most money to the cause. Mrs. Amy Grothouse, Jr. Cosmetology and VCC teacher spearheaded the effort.

Vantage VCC students are pictured with Eric McCracken (right)and the Toss A Toy truck. Also in the front row is Mrs. Amy Grothouse.

Vantage VCC students are pictured with Eric McCracken (right)and the Toss A Toy truck. Also in the front row is Mrs. Amy Grothouse.

On December 11, her VCC students took a shopping trip to WalMart to purchase toys to add to those that staff and students had donated! “A couple of my students told me that this (shopping for the toys for kids) would be the best part of THEIR Christmas” said Grothouse. “I am so proud of all Vantage students for the effort they put toward this project. My heart just bursts with pride”, she added.

Lee Kinstle’s Eric McCracken, and his team were very happy with the results. “The Vantage students see the need and rise above to get it done”, he stated.