Tag: Van Wert Cinemas

Payne Elementary Students of the Month

Payne Elementary awarded their January students of the month for displaying the character word “Generous”. These students show generosity in the classroom and in other situations.  Eight of these students were also awarded movie passes to Van Wert Cinemas.  Thank you students for doing the right thing. Pictured above are (front row) Bryn Wasserman, River Stoller, Elaine…

Payne Elementary Announces November Students Of the Month

Payne Elementary School announced their November Students of the Month. Eight of these students also received movie passes to Van Wert Cinemas. The character word for November was gratitude. The following students displayed this character trait in the month of November. Front Row: Nellie McMillan, Layne Delgado, Eli DeJarnett, Maia Lotz, Kraeton Tempel, Gabby LaBoe,…

WT Payne Elem. Announce Students of the month

Payne Elementary is pleased to announce our September Students of the Month.  These students exemplified the CHARACTER  trait of Teamwork this month.  Some of the students also received Movie Passes from Van Wert Cinemas for the month.  Great Job!  Thanks for your hard work! Pictured are: Front Row: Ellie Helms, Easton Sherry, Greyson Vogelpohl, Celeste…