Tag: Puppets

FUMC Kids Make sock Puppets for Children’s Hospital

This summer at First United Methodist Church, the kids are leaving the Sunday School classroom and heading into the community for kid-sized missions. This past Sunday, the kids made sock puppets for a Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio to kick off this service-themed series. Next Sunday, June 12th, the kids will construct a putt-putt course,…

Puppets Perform Sleeping Beauty at Woodburn Branch Library

Dan Raynor and Steven’s Puppets preformed the classic tale “Sleeping Beauty” at the Woodburn Branch Library June 3. Stevens Puppets was started in 1933 by Martin Stevens. Martin carved the puppets used in his shows. Dan and Zan Raynor now own Steven’s Puppets. They use Steven’s pre-recorded voices, original scenery, and puppets when preforming their…