Tag: northwest ohio

Antwerp Defies Odds, Bombs Edon

Monster win for the Archer Boys Team!People have been down on Antwerp football the last several years. It’s stats and numbers have dropped. Players decreased, only one win last year. Next year it’s already planned to not have a varsity team. It sounds depressing. None of this stopped the team. Eden travelled to the Archer…

Latta to Host Cybersecurity Event with FBI and CentraComm at Defiance College

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Bob Latta (R-OH) will host a cybersecurity seminar at Defiance College tomorrow. The event, which is held in coordination with the FBI and Findlay’s CentraComm, focuses on protecting one’s personal identity and business online. It also includes presentations that provide measures to prevent theft of intellectual property, phishing and spear phishing,…